
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


  • Sunflower for Hidden Disabilities

    Fri 17 Sep 2021

    National Highways


    From today, you can order a free @sunflowerlanyardscheme Sunflower for your vehicle, from the Hidden Disabilities store.

    If you break down or need assistance on a motorway or major A-road in England, the Sunflower discreetly indicates to our traffic officers that someone in the vehicle has a disability, which may not be visible.

  • Covid FAQ

    Tue 07 Sep 2021

    Children and young people across Liverpool will be returning to classrooms from Wednesday, 1 September.

    As well as excitement, after the upheaval of the last 18 months there may also be some confusion and anxiety about what current Covid guidance means for the new school year.

    Schools have been communicating directly with families and carers and keeping their individual websites updated and should always be the first place to go for advice about plans for getting back into the classroom.

    However, we have put together the following frequently asked questions to answer some of the general questions about going back to school…

    How do the self-isolation changes of 16 August affect school attendance?

    If children and young people (aged 18 years & 6 months and under) have not tested positive for Covid, and they are not otherwise ill they are expected to be in school.

    Anyone aged under 18 and 6 moths who has been a close contact of someone who has tested positive is no longer required to self-isolate unless the child also has symptoms. They are advised to take a PCR test but they do not have to isolate whilst they wait for the results.

    Students who are aged 18 years & 6 months and over will be treated as adults under the guidance and will not be expected to self-isolate if they have had a close contact provided they have received both Covid vaccinations and 14 days have passed since the second dose.

    You can find out where drop-in Covid vaccination clinics are on Liverpool CCG’s website.

    I think my child has Covid, what should I do?

    If your child has symptoms, please book a PCR test and isolate until you have the results. If you receive a positive test result the child should self-isolate following the national guidance. If you need support whilst your family is self-isolating there is information on the council’s website.

    Will children still be expected to take lateral flow tests (LFTs)?

    Testing is voluntary, but it is encouraged as it is still one of the best ways to break the chain of infection.

    We’re encouraging secondary school pupils to take an LFT before they return to school.

    When schools return, government guidance will be followed:

    • Nursery and primary school children – Do not need to take LFTs.
    • Secondary school pupils and college students – In the first week of term, two LFTs will be taken at school three to five days apart. In following weeks, two LFTs to be taken at home each week until the end of September.

    Will testing continue after the end of September?

    There will be a national review of all testing in September 2021 and this will inform the role of testing in school and other settings.


    What should I do if my child has a positive result on a lateral flow test?

    They should self-isolate immediately and you should arrange a PCR test as soon as possible.

    Other members of the household do not need to self-isolate whilst you await the PCR test result if they do not have symptoms and are aged under 18 years or are fully vaccinated.

    Will pupils still be part of bubbles?

    Bubbles were introduced to limit contact between groups. Schools are no longer required to do this, but they may be considered if there is an outbreak at the school.

    What happens if there are positive cases in schools?

    All schools and colleges are required to have outbreak management plans. Action may need to be taken if certain thresholds are met.  if risks change significantly the Director of Public Health is able to implement further or different measures to protect population health.


    Will school continue to inform us if there are positive cases in school?

    Public Health England are currently advising schools that it is not necessary to send warn and inform letters for each pupil case.  Parents will be informed if additional controls from the outbreak management plan need to be put in place.

    Meanwhile schools will continue to maintain COVID prevention measures. This includes maximising ventilation, encouraging good hygiene, thorough cleaning and ensuring that anyone with COVID symptoms or positive test results do not come in to school.

    Will children be made to have a vaccination?

    No-one will be made to have a vaccination, but having both doses of the vaccination is still the best way of preventing people from becoming very ill with Covid-19.

    The national vaccination programme is now open to anyone aged 16 and over. Sixteen and 17-year-olds will be contacted by their GPs and are not able to book vaccinations online.

    I would like my child to have a vaccination as there is someone in my household who is vulnerable but my child is younger than 16.

    Vaccinations are being offered to 12-15- year-olds if they have an underlying health condition or if someone they live with is immunosuppressed. You should speak to your child’s GP.

    Will my child have to wear a face covering in the classroom?

    Guidance states that face coverings do no need to be worn in the classroom. But if your child travels to school or college on public transport that is crowded and they can’t socially distance it is a good idea to wear a face covering if they are able.

    Parents are encouraged to wear face coverings at the school gates particularly if social distancing isn’t possible.

    Will normal school activities now be taking place?

    Yes, activities such as sports, singing, playing wind or brass instruments, and going on trips and excursions are now allowed to take place.

    My child is anxious about returning to school is there any support?

    The last year and a half has been especially tough for our children and young people. If your child is worried about returning to the classroom please speak to the school in the first instance. They can also get help and advice online such as at

  • Changes to Risk Assessment- PE/Uniform

    Fri 03 Sep 2021

    3rd September 2021


    Dear Parents/Carers,


    It was a joy to welcome all of our families back to school this week. I am very pleased to say that the children are now settled back into the routine of school days.


    I would like to thank you for your continued patience in supporting the school’s risk assessment. As advised in July, the risk assessment for the first week would not change unto such time as we were fully aware of latest Government and Local Guidance.


    I must take this opportunity to point out that if cases do rise locally we have been advised of the following:


     ‘Schools has an outbreak management plan covering the possibility that bubbles and all previous social distancing controls may be reintroduced locally due to raised COVID cases.’


    Please note following changes:


    Facemasks- Face masks no longer need to be worn, however staff will continue to wear a face mask in crowded corridors, poorly ventilated areas or areas where close contact with others is unavoidable. It is Parental choice with regards to wearing a mask when dropping off/collecting pupils we would simply ask that Parents respect each other’s decisions.


    School uniform- we would encourage children to wear full uniform to school, unless accessing Physical activities (see below). Please note that ventilation of classrooms must continue, as we move further into the winter months we are more than happy to support pupils wearing appropriate clothing with dropping temperatures. Therefore, the wearing of uniform will not be as stringently monitored by school staff.


    Reading Bags- will be permitted to be brought to school from Monday 6th September.


    Packed lunches for Junior aged pupils will still be provided by the school for £1 per day if Parents would like to provide their own please contact the school to discuss dietary needs of your child as I am sure that the catering team will be able to meet these.

    School dinners remain at £1.80 each day. You may well be eligible for Free School Meals, please contact Miss Flanagan (Katie), we can quickly check for you.


    Free School Meals are provided for Nursery to Year 2 and all dietary needs of pupils are met by our wonderful catering team.


    PE Kits- we would request that Parents dress children in appropriate PE kits on the days that they shall access physical activities. During the winter months we are happy for children to wear jogging bottoms/tops to school.


    • Year 6 Monday/Wednesday
    • Year 5 Tuesday/Wednesday
    • Year 4 Tuesday/Thursday (Year 4 shall attend swimming on Tuesday please provide swimming kit)
    • Year 3 Monday/Tuesday
    • Year 2 Tuesday/Wednesday
    • Year 1Tuesday/Friday
    • Reception- Wednesday


    These days may be subject to change each half term but individual class teachers will let you know if that is the case.


    Breakfast club- continues each morning from 7.45am. Contact Miss Flanagan (Katie) if you require a place.


    Start and end of day- shall remain the same.


    School gate will open at 8.40am each morning for drop off.


    Parents may collect pupils at appropriate time at the end of the day. If you have more than 1 child your family can collect all children together starting with the eldest.


    • 3pm- Year6/Year 2
    • 3.05pm- Year 5/Year1
    • 3.10pm- Year 4/ Reception
    • 3.15pm- Year 3/Nursery


    I hope that we can continue to work together in these unsettling times to ensure that we keep one another and our families safe.


    Yours sincerely,



  • Parenting Newsletter

    Fri 03 Sep 2021

    Liverpool’s Parenting Coordinator has produced this new digital Parenting Newsletter with information on services available for you and your family across the city.  Your council and partners have services to support families in all areas and hope that you find the information you need in here.


    If you have any questions please contact

