
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 class page!


am Mrs Griffiths, the lucky teacher of Year 6 and I look forward to sharing all of the exciting learning that is happening in our classroom with you all here. 

Already, our class have demonstrated a positive attitude towards their learning and they are determined to have an enjoyable and successful time during their final year here at Holy Cross. Year 6 is a year filled with lots of new learning and new challenges which I know our children will embrace and they will be continuing to build upon the learning they have accomplished along their school journeys. If you would like to explore our Year 6 curriculum further, to find out more about what we will be learning and when, why not visit our 'Curriculum Page'? 


P.E is currently taking place on a Wednesday whereby the children will take part in gymnastics sessions this half term. Please ensure that your child arrives to school in full P.E kit ready for their lessons. It is vital for the children to wear full P.E kit so they can take part in the P.E sessions safely and comfortably.


Your child has been given access to Purple Mash, Mathletics, Timestable Rockstars, Spelling Shed and Read Theory. Please allow your child to access these websites at home to continue their learning.


Reading is a vitally important aspect of your child's learning and here at Holy Cross reading is central to the majority of our curriculum. We continue to actively encourage children to read every night and record what they have read in the reading records that we have provided. Please listen to your child read where possible and write what they have read in their Reading Record. In year 6, we are aware that many of our children enjoy reading independently which is fantastic so please encourage them to record any independent reading they participate in in their reading records. Your child should bring their Reading Record into school in their school book-bag on a daily basis so that they can continue to read at school. 


In Year 6, homework is given once a week as it forms part of their preparation for the end of key stage assessments (SATs). Every Friday they will receive homework that is to be returned to school on Tuesday. The purpose of this homework is to review and consolidate what the children have learnt during the week. The homework will often be provided in the form of CGP books that the school have purchased, however, online homework via Mathletics and Purple Mash etc. will also continue to be set throughout the year when required.


Year 6 will also complete weekly arithmetic/reasoning tests in class which they are to take home and revise from. The children should identify areas of the test that they find challenging. The children are encouraged to come and see us in the morning if they are unsure on any of the questions and we can go through these together.


If you or your child are ever unsure on a piece of homework, please do not hesitate to speak to me. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged. In addition, if your child has commitments outside of school which impacts on the time they have available to complete work set for home, we actively encourage them to come along to Breakfast Club in which they would have the time, resources and support to complete it.


I would like to thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Griffiths 

Year 6 are proudly participating in the 'Dunhelm Delivering Joy' campaign. We are currently raising funds in class to purchase gifts for disadvantaged children and families that will be delivered in time for Christmas. 

Year 6 have worked hard to research the gifts desired and understand the importance of kindness, generosity and empathy during this special time of year. They recognise the important and positive impact that their efforts will have on others. Well done Year 6!

In Science, the pupils have been exploring living things and their habitats and we have learnt lots about classification and Carl Linnaeus' taxonomy system! 

The pupils have enjoyed studying a variety of organisms and their different characteristics.

We all enjoyed the 'post-it' game - trying to figure out what animal we were by asking 'yes/no' questions about our characteristics.

Science - Classification
