
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5's Class Page

I am Miss Cresswell, the fortunate teacher of Year 5 and I would like to introduce our class page. In Year 5, we are also very lucky to be supported by Miss Morgan on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Here is where you will find out about the exciting and enjoyable things we have been getting up to during the year. The children in Year 5 are passionate and determined learners who are always willing to try new things in order to deepen their understanding. Please explore our ‘Curriculum Page’ to gain an insight into what we are learning this year!


PE is currently taking place on a Tuesday and alternative Friday afternoons whereby the children will take part in multiple Rugby Tots sessions and Badminton sessions. Please ensure your child has full PE kit in school on Monday ready for activities during the week. It is vital for the children to bring full PE kit so they can take part in the PE sessions safely and comfortably.


Reading is a very important aspect of learning and can make a fantastic impact across the different subjects. We actively encourage children to read every night and record what they have read in their Reading Record. The Reading Record is to be signed by an adult at home regularly. It is important that your child has a book bag so they are able to take home their Reading Record and Reading book.


In Year 5, homework will be allocated on a Friday and is to be completed  by the following Thursday. This year, Year 5 will have homework set online as well as new spellings each half term that the children are to revise at home. Year 5 will also complete weekly arithmetic/reasoning tests which they are to take home and revise from each week. The children should identify areas of the test that they find challenging. The children are encouraged to come and see me in the morning if they are unsure on any of the questions and we can go through this together. If you or your child are ever unsure on a piece of homework, please do not hesitate to speak to me.

World Book Day

PE - Outdoor Adventurous Activities

History debate - Was Adolf Hitler a Good Leader?

Earth and Space

Celebrating Other Religions - Hinduism

Year 5 have been very busy participating in a 50/50 challenge in order to raise money for Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. The children have made cookies, decorations and personalised gifts to sell. They have also participated in a cake sale and 'guess the name of the Penguin' to raise as much money as possible. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and expressed fantastic communication and business skills.

Visit from Father Christmas and Elves

Year 5 have very special visitors to our class this week - Father Christmas and his two elves. This really got us in the Christmas spirit! 
This half term, Year 5 are participating in weekly Rugby Tots sessions. The children are focusing on gaining possession by working with their peers as well as other vital rugby skills.

Computing Workshop

Year 5 have been very fortunate this week to have had the opportunity to attend a computing workshop whereby we got to explore and discover how technology have changed and developed overtime. We all had a fantastic time and had so much fun!

Collective Worship - Ouselves

The children have participate in a Collective Worship session to complete our first Religious Education topic- Ourselves. The children focused on their own qualities and talents, noticing how they are different to each others, and how we can each use our individual qualities and talents to help others around us. 

Anti-racism Poetry

In English, the children have been focusing on anti-racism poetry. In this lesson, the children worked together to create actions and expressions to use when reading the poem aloud.  


This half term, the children in Year 5 have been attending weekly cookery lessons provided by our school cook.  They children have focused on the importance of having a balanced diet. The children have made a variety of foods including soup that was served to the whole school at lunch time. The soup looked and tasted delicious!

History - Anglo-Saxons

The children have created maps out of play-doh in our History lesson to show where the Jutes, Angles and Saxons settled in Britain. The children all thoroughly enjoyed this lesson.
This half term, Year 5 children are currently having Gymnastics lessons whereby they are enhancing and improving their knowledge and understanding in multiple Gymnastics moves. So far we have focused on balancing, stretching and movement. 

E-Safety performance

KS2 children in Holy Cross attended a fun and informative performance about E-Safety. The performers travelled into the different apps and explored the different issues with them. They spoke about how Google can have issues - as not everything we read on the internet is true! Looking into the Snapchat app, the children learnt about issues like cyber-bullying. We also learnt about the importance of age restrictions on games such as; Fortnite, which depicts violent. Year 5 children then participated in a follow up workshop whereby the children enhanced their understanding of how to stay safe online.
