'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Welcome to Nursery!
The children in Nursery are taught by Mrs Pinchi and are supported by Miss Magee. We hope that you will visit this page often and find it useful in keeping up to date with your child's learning experiences.
Mrs Pinchi and Miss Magee
Well what a fabulous year we have had with your lovely children! I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. The children have been looking back over the photos on our class page and remembering all the topics and learning this year. I will be sending the phonic films home each week during the holidays so that your children are able to keep learning the sounds. I am also sending home a book with letters for the children to practice writing. You can use these books to practice name writing too. Have a lovely holiday and the best of luck to Nursery 2 who are moving into Reception Class in September!
Thank you to the parents that have shared with their children the reading books I have set for them on the website Rising Stars. It is really important to look at these picture books with your children and discuss what they see in the pictures. These books will prepare your children for reading and support new vocabulary.
The children had a lovely time on Friday in the paddling pool! The children know that it is important to wear sun block, not to spend too much time in the sun and to drink plenty of water when the weather is hot.
The children will be reading the Story of the Very Hunger Caterpillar by Eric Carle and learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We will be monitoring the changes from caterpillar to butterfly by observing our very own caterpillars.
This half term the children have shown an interest in all the mini beasts found in our garden and so we will be exploring mini beasts and their life cycle using the internet, non fiction books and the story book ‘The Very Hunger Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle.
This half term the children have been reading the story book Jack and the Beanstalk by Nick Sharratt. This book gives the children a good understanding of planting and growing. Later this term we will be growing our own beanstalk and recording the changes.
We are making a bean diary where we will record what happens to our beans as they change and grow.
The children have had a lovely time celebrating Easter. We had an egg and spoon race, an Easter bonnet parade and a Easter egg hunt!
Please check your emails for the Read Write Inc film clips. Your children will be familiar with these as we watch them in Nursery . When not in Nursery it is important that your child watches these short film clips to help develop their early reading skills.
In Nursery we have been learning to self-regulate our emotions using the story book The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. Please see the link with lovely activities for you to complete with your child. https://liverpoollearning.padlet.org/admin/colourmonsterstaff
We have been planting sun flower seeds and using magnifiers to see the detail on the seeds. We noticed stripe patterns and lovely shades of cream.
Our new text is 'The Pig in the Pond' by Jill Barton and Martin Waddell. The children will be able to make comparisons with the town and the countryside. We are learning what animals live on the farm and how the farmer looks after the animals. We know that we get milk from cows, wool from sheep and eggs from chickens.
The children have been learning to change their singing voice and have joined in with the opera singing of Lakme Flower Duet. They are able to sing high and low making their voices change to the music.
Welcome back to Nursery and we hope everyone had a lovely half term break! The children have settled back into Nursery really well and are keeping busy with their friend.
This week we are celebrating the Chinese New Year. We read the story of how the animals raced across the river to give each year a name. We know that this year it is the year of the tiger. 🐅
We used the Chinese lucky envelopes in our maths activities. We counted out the coins and matched them to the correct number on the envelopes.
We have been drawing the naughty bus. We then listened carefully to hear the initial sound and some of the children were able to write this sound.
Today we have had some umbrellas from the ADHD Foundation and the children have enjoyed decorating them with beautiful patterns. We will put these up in our outdoor area within the next few weeks.
In RE the children have been learning all about ‘Celebration’ and can say when and why we might have a celebration. We sorted different types of celebration pictures to make a poster.
The children played with the church to act out celebrations that may take place in the church, a wedding or a Baptism.
Happy NewYear and welcome back to Nursery. The children have settled back into Nursery really well and are enjoying our new topic based around the story book ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke.
We have begun our topic by looking at a bus, the features and why we might use a bus.
We looked at the shape and colour of a bus and then chose the materials to make our bus. We noticed the bus has four wheels and lots of windows.
The children read the last pages of their topic book ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. We then found out about caves and made our own, using the tunnel under the bridge. We put our teddy in the cave and had fun acting out the story.
The children read the book We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. The characters hunt through thick squelchy mud and so we decided to explore mud and even added it to our paint, to make a muddy picture.
We visited the library today to choose some books for our classroom. We had a lovely time reading stories and singing rhymes in the children’s library.
In our maths meetings the children use the calendar to work out what day it is. Listen to their lovely sentences.
We looked at the next few pages of the story book Were Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and we talked about the deep cold river. We learnt that Liverpool has a river called the Mersey and that it comes from the sea inland to form a large river. We explored the word deep with our water tray and we then used blue and green paint to paint a deep river.
Our new topic book is We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. This book will help us to learn about different environments and weather. The children have read the first few pages and have learnt some new vocabulary, long, deep and wavy. The children planted grass and hopefully it will grow long and wavy just like in the story.
We looked at the illustrations in the book and talked about the colour, shape and pattern. We then painted long wavy grass.
We had a new sandpit today and the children used the picture instructions and the tools to put it together.
In RE we have been learning all about the Baptism. We learnt that our names are special and we all have family names. The children really enjoyed taking on different roles and acting out the Batism.
The children have been using gentle hand massage to support kind hands and wellbeing. First the children ask their friends if they would like to take part. The children then look carefully at their friends hands noticing all the fine lines. They then use gentle hand massage to show that hands are kind and support our wellbeing.
This week we have celebrated Diwali, we have researched how the Hindu religion prepares for Diwali by making Rangoli patterns. The children drew around their hands and then decorated them with similar patterns.
Thank you for bringing in some fabulous leaves! 🍁 The children have used the magnifiers to look at all the detail on the leaves. We also used the leaves in our maths meetings for counting, sorting and making patterns.
Welcome back to Nursery everyone, we hope you have all had a good half term break! This week the children will be taking part in Diwali Celebrations and learning all about why we celebrate Bonfire Night with fireworks. We have a very exciting week ahead and so look out for for more information and lots of photos.
Go for a walk in your local park and look how the trees are changing now it is Autumn. All the leaves are turning brown and falling from the trees. Collect leaves to make collage and Autumn pictures. Can you name the colours of the leaves? Can you count how many leaves you have collected? Which are the big ones and which are the small ones? Please bring into Nursery any leaves and we will make some lovely Autumn collages.
Happy half term everyone! Nursery will be back week commencing Monday 1st November.
The spring onions have grown and the gardening ambassadors have replanted them in larger pots.
We read about a pirates life at sea and designed and made our own eye patch.
Once we had worked together to make our large boat we then made smaller boats for our water tray. We experimented to see if they would float or sink. We found that any holes let the water in and the boat eventually sank.
This week we have been learning about things that go above the sea rather than under the sea. We have been researching boats and decided to design and make our own.
We then used our boat for role play, we hung up a sea picture took our telescope and set sail! 🚢
We’ve been using play dough to make sea creatures for our Ocean topic. We made an octopus, dolphin, sea horse and a crab. We were able to use some lovely vocabulary; rolling, stretching, twisting, turning and squashing.
In RE we have been making a welcome sign for our classroom. We all made a handprint to show that we all belong and we are all welcome.
In maths we have been learning about size. We looked at the pumpkins and decided which ones were big and which ones were small. We then discussed which one was the biggest and smallest. The children then wanted to pick up the pumpkins which led to a discussion about weight so then we discovered heavy and light. So we then sorted the pumpkins into the heaviest and lightest. The biggest was also the heaviest and the smallest was also the lightest. What a fantastic maths lesson with lots of super maths vocabulary!
In RE we have been learning all about other religions. The children researched about Judaism and made their own Star of David.
We have been using our potion table, collecting leaves and herbs from our garden. We took some lavender and mint, mixed it with water to creat potions with different smell and colours. We are learning that we use our eyes to see, our noses to smell and our ears to listen.
Our spring onions are starting to grow! We used a magnifier to see the detail on the stems.
We have been learning to self regulate and become aware of our feelings. The children read about different emotions and look in the mirror to identify their feelings. They then draw a picture of how they our feeling and hang it on our emotions tree. We check the tree and cheer up our friends who may be sad.
In phonics we are learning to recognise and use rhyme. We played “pass the bag around the circle” and pulled out a picture containing a rhyming word. The children say the word and recognise the final sound is the same for each word......a rhyming word!
We had a maths party and completed different maths activities, counting, problem solving and recognising quantities.
Sailors and pirates might use telescopes to see other boats at sea.
We have been painting pictures of sea creatures and using bubble paint for the sea. 🌊
Our new topic this week will be focused around the book ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ by Giles Andreas and David Wojowycz. We will be looking at different environments taking our knowledge of the seaside and discovering what creatures live below the sea. Comparing our city life to the life of those that live or sail the ocean.
Year 6 have become Reading Ambassadors for the school and have recommended some books that you could share with your Nursery children. Please see the poster below for more details.
This week in maths we have been exploring shape through construction. We have looked at the buildings all around our school and talked about the size and the shape. We then used Lego and blocks to replicate our fabulous city Liverpool!
This week in the area of Personal, Social and Emotional Development we have looked at the NSPCC website PANTS. We are learning to be caring and respectful to each other and also to know that our bodies belong to us. We decorated pants for a display!
In Nursery this week we have had a fun and busy week! We had a visit from the practitioners of Vauxhall children’s centre to help us learn the importance of dental hygiene. The children loved brushing the dinosaurs teeth and learning all about healthy eating.
This week the children in Nursery have become gardening ambassadors for the school. We gave each class a tub with daffodils and tulip bulbs which will bloom in spring, we also planted winter pansies. The children were proud of their planting and the other classes were pleased too.
The children enjoy listening to music and this week we enjoyed some Bollywood.
This week the children have been baking butterfly cakes.
We love to move around the garden on our bikes and scooters! We are learning to pedal and develop our balancing skills. We use new vocabulary such as fast, slowly, forwards and reverse. We use our imagination and travel to far away places.
In Literacy we are developing our mark making skills by drawing patterns using glitter and paint brushes. We are learning to hold our writing equipment in pincer grip using our finger and thumb.
Today we enjoyed making the most of the rain. We used powder pain in the puddles to create colour mixing. We learnt that yellow and blue make green and blue and red make purple.
We have been exploring different materials, cutting and sticking to create textures and collage. We talk about and name the colours we see and we use new vocabulary to describe what we feel, bumpy, rough, soft and smooth.
Welcome back to all our lovely children and families, also a warm welcome to our new children and their families, we hope you have had a great summer break. Over the next two weeks we will be covering the topic ‘All About Me’ where we will begin to find out about our friends, families, local and school community. The children will read the story book ‘My Nose Your Nose’ by Melanie Walsh and we will discover similarities and differences between ourselves and others. New friendships are starting to be made and the children are settling in well.