'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Welcome to Year Two's class page, here you will find all the information you need for your child's learning. This year the children will be taught by Miss Dobson. The children are also supported in their learning by Miss Randa. The children are all settling into Year Two well and working hard! You can also head over to our 'Curriculum' page to see more about what we are learning this year!
This half term PE will be taught on a Tuesday, and next half term PE will be on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child comes into school in their full PE kit. PE kits can be purchased from the office. It is vital for health and safety reasons that the children have the correct PE kit and pumps.
Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage children to read every night. It is important that your child has their book bag every day so they are able to take home their reading record and reading book. The children will be listened to several times a week by different members of staff and therefore need their book bags in every day.
Homework will be given out on Fridays and should be handed in by the following Friday. We encourage children to complete their homework, as it reinforces what they have learned in school and supports their ongoing progress. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged.
This half term in English we have been super busy exploring the story of Dogger by Shirley Hughes! We’ve engaged in a range of creative activities, including: writing a diary entry: the children placed themselves in Dave’s shoes and wrote about how they felt when Dave lost his beloved toy. The children retold the story: Using their imaginations, they created their own unique characters and settings, inventing new twists on the classic tale. Finally the children created fact-files about Shirley Hughes researching and learning more about her life and works. It’s been a fantastic learning journey, full of creativity and storytelling!
Our Year 2 students have been working hard in maths, focusing on place value and statistics. They’ve been exploring how numbers are made up of tens and ones, helping them build a strong understanding of numbers up to 100. They’ve also enjoyed creating simple tables and pictograms, learning how to draw and interpret data.
Next up, we’re diving into the addition and subtraction unit, where the children will use their place value knowledge to solve problems. We’re excited to see their confidence in maths continue to grow!
This half term our Science topic is living things and their habitats. We have looked at the characteristics of living things like plants and animals. We went for a walk in our local environment and classified what is alive and what is not. We also explored different habitats and discussed how living things survive and thrive in their specific environments. The children have shown fantastic curiosity and enthusiasm during our investigations, using their scientific skills to observe, classify, and ask thoughtful questions about the world around them. Well done, Year 2!
In our current RE unit, Year 2 students are learning about important stories and teachings from the Bible, focusing on God’s promises, creation, and baptism. By the end of this unit, they will have explored key texts and themes such as: The story of Noah, Laudato Si’ and Psalm 139. The children have demonstrated excellent commitment and reflection in their RE lessons this half term, engaging with the stories and teachings with care and enthusiasm.
We have begun to learn about the zones of regulation. The zones help us to recognise our feelings and emotions. We have begun to look at ways in which we can help ourselves when we are in different zones.
We have been learning all about the Great Fire of London in history. We have explored how the fire started in 1666, the reasons it spread so quickly, and how it finally ended. The children have enjoyed discovering what life was like in London at that time and learning about the brave people who helped stop the fire. Students are developing a stronger understanding of this significant event in British history and have shown great interest in their learning.
In Music this term, the children have been learning a lively and upbeat song called "Hands, Feet, Heart", which celebrates the vibrant rhythms and melodies of South African music. They have enjoyed exploring different musical elements such as rhythm, pulse, and pitch while singing and playing along with instruments. Through this song, the children are also gaining an appreciation of diverse musical cultures, and it has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and joy as they move to the music and sing together. They have really embraced the spirit of this song!
This half term, we have been learning how to search effectively online. We started by exploring key terms like the World Wide Web, browser, and search engine. The children have also discussed different situations involving online safety and what it means to give permission before sharing information.