
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Phonics screening

In June, all year 1 pupils shall be expected to sit a phonics screening check. During the screening each pupil shall sit one to one with a teacher and practise reading each of the 40 words aloud to the teacher using their phonics skills of decoding and blending sounds. They shall read a list of 20 words which are real words and another 20 which are nonsense words. Each of the nonsense words shall have an alien picture to show the children that they are a nonsense word. Children should be decoding and blending the sounds in each word.


It would be great if the children could continue to practise their phonics skills -decoding and blending sounds to read words. 

At home it would be beneficial  if you can read with your child as much as possible and if they are struggling to decode a word encourage them to sound out every sound from left to right in the word.


Each week as part of their homework the children shall receive  list of words containing  both real and nonsense for the children to practise sounding out and reading. You may like to tick each word every time your child reads it correctly or put a dot next to any word your child struggles with or is unable to read.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Miss Cathcart and Mrs Hunter. 

