'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Year 1
I am Miss Murray, the Year 1 class teacher, we are supported in our learning by Miss Randa. The children are all settling into Year 1 well and already working hard! You can also head over to our 'Curriculum' page to see more about what we are learning this year!
Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage children to read every night. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged.
Homework will be set on Purple Mash and Mathletics and will be given a due date to be completed. The homework is to review what the children have learnt during the week and help to consolidate their learning. The children will also be given HFW spellings to learn each term.
Where the wild things are
Something a bit different happened in our classroom while we were outside for break. We looked at all the clues and made some predictions about what might happen in the new text we are looking at as part of our English this term.
World Book Day 2022
Year 1 pulled out all the stops this year with their choice of costumes for a World Book Day. They completed some amazing character descriptions in English and in true Year 1 style we finished a fabulous day with a boogie.
Safer Internet Day
Exciting day in Year 1, one of the members of our class won as part of the competition for designing a poster for Safer Internet Day. Well Done Natalia we are all proud of you!
The Great Fire of London has been a huge focus of many of our subjects this term. Not only does it provide fantastic writing opportunities, in Art we have has fun experimenting with pastels and chalks to create flames in preparation for their final piece.
Waterproof or not waterproof
Our topic this term in Science is materials. We researched inventor Charles Macintosh the of the Macintosh raincoat, then the children conducted an investigation to see which materials were waterproof and which were not. The children first made predictions then tested the materials.
Our class became weather reporters!
In Geography, Year 1 enjoyed the chance to present their own weather report. Over the past few weeks, the children have been focusing on weather and different seasons. This lesson was a fun, practical way for the children to showcase their knowledge.
Stick Designs
Today in Year 1 we researched artist Andy Goldsworthy, we were particularly interested in his stick sculptures to tie in with our current text Stickman. His sculptures inspired Year 1 to work as a team and create their own version, they used this creative opportunity to help develop their prepositional language to explain the process they went through positioning the sticks.
Addition Machine
As part revision for Addition and Subtraction (within 10) we used our Addition Machine to add a practical fun way to cement learning.
Today Year 1 have been using technology to edit and manipulate images. As you can see the results are fantastic!
Finding the difference
In Maths, we have been finding the difference with our partners. We used concrete resources (cubes) to help our understanding of the difference between two numbers.
Our Geography topic this term is all about the weather. First, we discussed all the different types of weather we knew and had experienced. We spoke about the 4 seasons and what weather you would normally expect to see throughout the year. Our task today, was to think about how weather affects us and what clothing is appropriate for these weathers. The children were great at this activity and shared their own experiences.
Remembrance Day
We now know the reasons behind wearing poppies and the importance of learning about Remembrance Day. We produced some beautiful writing and had lots of fun creating our own poppies.
In Year 1, we have just started reading our new text STICKMAN. We have been learning actions and creating story maps to help us remember the story.
Puppet Pals
We have been using a new app in our ICT lesson called Puppet Pals, we have been learning how to create our own mini movie using characters, setting and using our voice for different characters.