'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Food technology project - bread.
We tasted many different breads and investigated recipes for those we liked best, using our computing skills.
Then, in our groups, we designed and wrote our own bread recipes. We had to keep to a budget for our ingredients, so needed to use some maths skills. Then we made and tasted our bread. We were pleased with the taste, although some of us thought we should have left our bread to prove for linger or cook for a slightly shorter time.
Developing understanding of text through role play
We are currently reading ,”Oranges in No-Man’s Land” which is set during the Lebanese Civil War. We spent time thinking about characters’ feelings using freeze frame and hot seating.
In our weekly yoga sessions, we are challenging ourselves physically, looking after our minds and having a lot of fun.
We are very proud of these two sporting superstars who have been selected to play for the Liverpool Schoolboys Team. Read below how they achieved this.
Dear Parents
Welcome to Year 6- I’m sure you are wondering where the time in primary school has gone for your children to be in Year 6 already !
I'm Mrs Reece and I am really looking forward to teaching your child this year. The children in Year 6 are full of energy and look to be wonderful learners full of exciting potential. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged.
Our class is fortunate to work alongside Miss Morgan who supports children with their learning in Readwise and one-to-one sessions such as Precision Teaching and target work.
Every Friday, homework will be set online through Purple Mash, Spelling Shed and Mathletics. It is important this homework is completed before the following Thursday, so the work can be assessed.
Reading is a crucial aspect of learning, particularly in year 6, so we actively encourage the children to read every night at home in addition to the reading they do in the classroom. One reading book and linked comprehension activities will be set for all of the children through Purple Mash each week and they will also have access to a wide range of books through Rising Stars Reading as well as their reading book.
Year 6 also have access to Timestable Rockstars. We recommend children play on this daily to ensure they revise all of their times tables up to 12x12, as these skills will enable them to access and complete calculations more quickly in arithmetic and mathematical reasoning. Head over to our Year 6 Curriculum page to find out more about what your child will be learning this year.
If you have any concerns or questions, please do make contact so we can work together to support your child.
I look forward to working with you as the year progresses.
Mrs Reece.
Links to useful websites and online platforms
Number of the day-https://mathsstarters.net/number
Spelling Shed- https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/
Mathletics - https://login.mathletics.com
Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch/holy-l3
Times Tables Rockstars- https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth
Rising Stars – myrisingstars-uk.com
Virtual School Library- https://library.thenational.academy