
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


Welcome to Reception! Miss McHugh is the class teacher and Miss Moore is our EYFS teaching assistant. We will work along with you to strive to fulfil each child's potential and get to all about them. Our children are settling in well to their new classroom and making new friends, we are so proud of them! We have been learning and having lots of fun, we will share our Reception journey on this page as well as any useful information. 


A few little reminders is to please ensure that your child has a book bag, this can be purchased from the school office. This is to ensure everything that is sent home is contained in one place. The next one is to please clearly label your child's school uniform in order to avoid them being mixed up with another child's.


Reception will have P.E this summer term on Wednesday afternoons. Please make sure your child arrives to school dressed in their P.E kit.


Please read with your child every night and make note of this in their reading record. Reading with your child and practicing their phonics will help your child progress. Reading books will be changed on Wednesdays, please make sure your child brings their book bag to school on this day.


As parents or carers, if there is anything you are concerned about we are always willing to discuss these matters with you. Partnership and working together will be the best way for your child to progress and feel comfortable and happy within our class, so please feel free to talk to us if there is any issues. 


Miss McHugh and Miss Moore.

People who help us

Today we learned all about people who help us. We can identify many people who help us especially in an emergency. We learned what an emergency is and to ring 999 only when there is an emergency.


Reception are taking part in gymnastics on Wednesday afternoons. They love taking part and they always have lots of fun.

Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs

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Reception used their story map to retell the story of Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs.

Dinosaur egg

We found an egg in our outdoor area. We investigated the egg and decided it was a dinosaur egg. We could describe the feeling of the egg before we put it in water. During the next few days we watched the egg crack and hatch and a dinosaur emerged. We passed the dinosaur around our circle for everyone to see. 

Dinosaur excavation

Reception really enjoyed chipping at the block to find the dinosaur inside. We used the sand timer to help us with turn taking to ensure we all could have a go.


In our class we have a new dinosaur area to follow our new topic, where we are learning all about different kinds of dinosaurs and facts about them. The tuff tray will enable to children to investigate dinosaur toys where they can examine their features and play with them.

Goldilocks and the three bears

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Reception used the story map to recall the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. They are amazing at it!

Massaging our friends

Reception have been learning to massage each other. We are so calm after this and this helps us to practice our kind hands.

Reception played in the snow and practiced their throwing skills. We gathered some snow and brought it into our classroom where we watched it melt. We talked about how it changed from snow into water.

Our class photo

Goldilocks has came to Reception

After our morning play outside we came back into class to find this part of our room covered in porridge oats. After some discussion, we decided we thought it could have been Goldilocks who made this mess.


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Role playing The Three Little Pigs

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We have role played the story of the Three Little Pigs using masks in our outdoor area.

The Three Little Pigs

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Reception have been practicing their story map of the story of the Three Little Pigs. We are so proud of them they can use actions to help them remember the story.

Story map for The Three Little Pigs

NSPCC Number Day

Reception dressed up wearing cloths with numbers on them and we did some fun Maths activities. This included cutting out two triangles to stick together to make a star and matching the number to the numicon and colouring in that many dots on their butterfly. 

Chinese New Year

We learned about Chinese New Year and watched some dragon and lion dances. We made some cards and painted some lanterns using patterns.

Christmas disco

Reception danced with their friends at our Christmas disco! Some of us got a medal for our amazing dancing!

Reception Christmas songs and crafts workshop

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Yesterday Reception had an arts and crafts afternoon where we decorated some cards and had some lovely Christmas activities with their families. We sang some Christmas songs to those joined us.

Poetry workshop

Reception took part in a poetry workshop where we learned the chorus to a poem as a whole school. Next we made up a verse of a poem to go before the chorus together just as a class. It was amazing and Reception tried so hard!

Preparing for Christmas

In Reception we have been preparing for Christmas. We have started to read about the story of the Nativity and we are learning about Advent. We have decorated our Christmas tree together and we have been painting our postbox to go in our writing area, where we can write to Santa and write Christmas cards.

Our local police officers came to our class to tell us all about their job and how they keep everyone safe in Liverpool. They talked through the different accessories they have on their belt that help keep them safe. We had a go at trying on their jackets and hats which we loved. 


Our new topic in R.E is birthdays and advent, this ties in with Christmas and Jesus’ birthday. We have talked about how we feel when it is our birthday and how we celebrate it. We had two birthdays on this day where we sang happy birthday and had a little party. 


Star in the jar

In literacy we have been reading, ‘Star in the jar’ we have set up a space area in our class where we can pretend to be an astronaut. We have been learning about different planets and painting them in our art area.

Vauxhall Children’s Centre visited us to teach us all about road safety. We all took part in small groups where we talked about crossing the road safely and the steps we need to make to ensure we get across safely. Reception were very good at this, well done!

Our new topic is called ‘welcome’, this topic is all about baptism. Last week we talked about how we welcome people into our class and this week we have talked about being welcomed into our family. We have role played a baptism where children took on roles of being the godparents, parents, aunties and uncles. They were amazing!

Diwali and Bonfire night

Reception have been learning about Diwali which is known as the ‘Festival of lights’, we made our own pictures of diva lamps. We have also talked about why we celebrate bonfire night and how to keep safe around fireworks and fires.

Rugby tots

Reception had their first session of rugby tots on Tuesday, we were excited to go! Reception had fun and showed amazing listening skills.

 Reception had so much fun dressing up and dancing at the halloween disco!

We are unique

In our first lesson of ‘Journey in love’ we read the book called ‘We’re all wonders’ which led us to talk about how we look different physically and we are all unique. We talked and wrote about what we like about the way we look.

We have read the story Elmer and created a story map, we are acting out the entire story using our actions. This is to help us to remember and retell the story.


Reception have watched the PowerPoint ‘My Body, My rules.’ We talked about the meaning of PANTS and watched the Pantosaurus song on YouTube.The children know the importance of talking to the adults around them if they need to. We have decorated pants and put them on display on the entrance of our bathroom as a reminder.

Making patterns

In maths this week we have been learning how to repeat a pattern. We have focused mainly on repeating colour patterns. However we also learned that patterns are everywhere, we did some movement patterns which we had fun with,We danced along with a song on YouTube called ‘Banana, Banana, Meatball’ as this helped us to keep active and learn movement patterns at the same time.

Importance of our name

In R.E we have been discussing that each of our names are important and special. we have learned that our families have chosen our names we have received some beautiful letters from our families to explain why they have chosen each of our names. 

Ordering numicon to 10.

We have been exploring our new classroom and enjoying learning through play.

The Colour Monster

Our first topic book is The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. This book helps us to recognise all of the feelings we have and when we experience them. 
