
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Elections Assembly

Year 3 had lots of fun learning about the General Election that was held 7th May 2015. The children learnt about the different parties, their leaders and views - developing their own views about what they thought of each party. The children then had the opportunity to create their own party.

This included the:

  • 2 cool 4 school generation party.
  • Mayamara party.
  • The Jolly Party.
  • The UK Friendship party.
  • Moober party.
  • The JCR party.

The children presented in an assembly to the school, what changes they would like to make in Holy Cross. The school has voted and the winners are...

The 2 cool 4 school generation party! Well done to Rosie, Amber, Ebony and Izabel!

Look below to see our election activities this week!
