'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Hello everyone, welcome to Year 4's Class Page. I am Miss Biggs, the Year 4 class teacher. The children are also supported in their learning by Miss Ward. The children in Year 4 are fantastic learners. Explore this page to see some of the fantastic, exciting things we have done this year. You can also head over to our Curriculum Page to see more about what we are learning this year!
Your child has access to Purple Mash, Mathletics, Timestable Rockstars and Spelling Shed. Please allow your child to access these websites at home to continue their learning at home.
Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage children to read every night. Please listen to your child read and write what they have read in their Reading Record. Your child should bring in their Reading Record into school in their school book-bag every day.
Every Friday, homework will be given out or set online using Purple Mash and Mathletics, and this is to be handed in on Thursday the following week. The purpose of this homework is to review what the children have learnt during the week. Year 4 will also complete arithmetic/reasoning tests in class which they are to take home and revise from each week. The children should identify areas of the test that they find challenging. The children are encouraged to come and see me in the morning if they are unsure on any of the questions and we can go through this together.
The children will also be given spellings to take home to learn. Please practise these spellings with your child.
If you or your child are ever unsure on a piece of homework, please do not hesitate to speak to me. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged.
P.E is currently taking place on a Tuesday where your child will take part in Rugby and Invasion Games led by Rugby Tots coaches. Please ensure that your child arrives to school in full P.E kit ready for their lesson. It is vital for the children to wear full P.E kit so they can take part in the P.E sessions safely and comfortably.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Biggs.
PSHE - Children are working in their groups to decide whether the scenarios are respectful or disrespectful.