
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

E-Safety Assembly

Safer Internet Day 2016 took place on the 9th February, with the theme 'Play your part for a better internet!'


Class 4 carried out a fantastic assembly for the whole school to to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology!


The whole school took part in an E-Safety poster competition. Thank you to everyone that entered and all the parents who helped their children create such fantastic posters! All the posters were amazing and it was very hard to choose a winner. Miss Davey and the E-Safety committee chose the winners who won a fantastic prize trip to ToysRUs to spend their voucher.


Look at the photos below...

Well done to ours winners; Konnie, Luke, Aashvi, Niti, Aidan, Arabella, Bhavya, Rita. 