
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Useful Information

Adult Learning Open Days

Call into any of the centres to find out more about all the courses on offer.


  • Norris Green Adult Learning Centre, L11 1DQ Monday 24 June 10am-2pm
  • Newsham Adult Learning Centre, L6 7UH Wednesday 26 June 10am-2pm and 5pm-7pm
  • Park Road Learning Centre, L8 6SE Thursday 27 June 10am-2pm and 5pm-7pm
  • Granby Adult Learning Centre, L8 2TU Friday 28 June 10am-4pm



Many of our courses are FREE! Starting in September 2024 Adult Learning - Inclusive and supportive, helping you to achieve your goals and aspirations. Everyone welcome!


Find out more here 

Dear Parent or Guardian

The May Half Term Eat to Meet programme starts on Monday 27th May and there are lots of great activities happening over the school holidays.  Children and young people, from reception to age 16, who are eligible for benefits related free school meals, will be able to access hundreds of activities throughout the half term holidays including specific provision available for children with SEND or additional needs, at no cost. There’s a great range of activities across the city including baseball, athletics, tri golf, bubble football, nerf wars, mindfulness, swimming, football, music, dance, cycling, gymnastics, theatre tech, cooking, discos, podcasting, handball, orienteering, arts and crafts, drama, basketball, trips out and nature walks!  A meal will be provided for every child attending.

You can find out where your nearest scheme by clicking on this link or go or go to and click on  “May Half Term Eat to Meet 2024”.

When you have chosen the activity/scheme you will need to contact that organisation to book a place.  Each organisation will have either a telephone number, email address or online booking system.  If your child has any additional needs or dietary requirements then please discuss this with the organisation when you book.  There is no central booking system so please read the details of the programmes on the website and contact the providers directly.

Liverpool City Council is working with Mersey Play Action Council, the local schools, voluntary and community organisations, and childcare providers to deliver the May Half Term Eat to Meet programme.  This programme is funded by Liverpool City Council.

The Family Information and SEND Directory also provides a wealth of useful information and support for families - FISD.


Sally Dobbing

Sally Dobbing - HAF Project Manager

How to keep your child well roadshow events

Parent Workshops

Liverpool City Council will be holding the workshops above in our school. There are a maximum of 10 spaces available on these workshops. To book a place please email as soon as possible. 

L5 Bike Library

Register online here

Notre Dame- Primary Newsletter

Please find below the link to access The Winter Edition of Liverpool’s Parenting Newsletter.



The last parenting newsletter gained over 12,800 views.  This shows us that the information is reaching our parents and families across the City.


In this newsletter parents will find information on a number of events, activities, courses and support services, which they can access, running  from January to March 2024.


The Newsletter includes information on services that support parents around; 


  • Ante Natal Services
  • Family Hubs and Children’s Centres
  • Childcare Support
  • Debt Advice
  • Domestic Abuse Support
  • Education and Training Opportunities
  • Family Relationship Support
  • Employment Support
  • Foodbanks
  • Parenting Groups and Courses
  • Child Development Groups
  • Money Management
  • SEND Support
  • Parental Mental Health Support
  • Support for Fathers

How to report a dog issue

Half Term Clubs for children entitled to benefit free school meals

Paid Research Project- LCC

Save money and get help with your fuel bills- Liverpool City Council Advice


Small changes to how you use your energy will help you save on your bills. Find out how and where to get help with your bills.

Keeping warm

It is important to keep warm in winter – both inside and outdoors. Keeping warm over the winter months can help to prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.

  • heat your living area to 21°C (70°F) and 18°C (65°F) for the rest of your home. If the temperature in your home falls below 16°C (61°F) you are increasing the risk of illness such as chest infections and hypothermia
  • keep your bedroom window closed on winter nights because breathing cold air can be bad for your health as it increases the risk of chest infections
  • keep active when you’re indoors. If you are able, try to move around at least once an hour to warm your body up
  • wear several layers of light clothes because they trap warm air better than one bulky layer
  • take advantage of financial schemes and discounts to help you pay for heating
  • make sure you get your flu jab

Make your home more energy efficient

Tips on how to improve your heating and save money on your energy bills include:

  • use quilted curtains to cover draughty windows
  • set your heating to come on just before you get up and switch off after you’ve gone to bed
  • set hot water temperature to 60°C
  • put a hot water bottle in your bed
  • use energy saving light bulbs where possible, and turn the lights of when you are not in the room
  • switch off any appliances at the socket when not in use
  • draught-proof windows and doors
  • only heat the home when it is occupied
  • insulate your hot water cylinder and pipes

This information taken from Energy Savings Trust 2017 based on a detached property with gas central heating.

Change your energy use 

Tips on how to change your energy use:

  • turn appliances off when not in use and avoid using stand-by buttons - estimated saving per year £20
  • turn lighting off when not in use and use energy saving bulbs to save money and energy – estimated saving per year £20
  • install inexpensive radiator panels to reflect heat back into rooms when radiators are positioned on an external wall – £7 each and use Thermostatic Radiator Valves to control temperature - estimated saving per year £60
  • close curtains at night and tuck them behind radiators – estimated saving per year £10
  • do not open windows if it gets too hot, adjust the thermostat instead - estimated saving per year £60
  • avoid frequently using plug in heaters and electric bar fires. Central heating is less expensive to run - estimated saving per year £300
  • only boil enough water in your kettle for your needs – estimated saving per year £30
  • a microwave oven is more cost effective for cooking small items than an electric oven - estimated saving per year £5
  • use pan lids to reduce steam and the energy needed for cooking - estimated saving per year £30
  • use economy setting at 30°C on washing machines and dry clothing outdoors or in a well-ventilated room - estimated saving per year £50
  • turn down your thermostat down by 1°C - estimated saving per year £60
  • save energy and water by having a shower instead of a bath - estimated saving per year £40
  • use a water-saving shower head - estimated saving per year £5

Discounts or support for energy bills

  • Warm Home Discount - provides eligible households with a discount on their electricity bill of up to £140. You will be eligible for mandatory support if you receive the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit even if you get Savings Credit as well on the qualifying day. Contact your electricity supplier.
  • Winter Fuel Payment – is an annual payment to help older people with the cost of keeping warm in winter. Payments are automatic between November and December to those receiving State Pension or specific benefits. Call the Winter Duel Payment helpline for details on Tel: 03459 151 51.
  • Cold Weather Payment – is made to eligible households on means tested benefits in areas where exceptionally cold weather’ is forecast or has occurred. Automatic payments amount to £25 per qualifying week between 1st November and 31st March.

Apply for free school meals

If you think your child is entitled to free school meals please apply online here 

You should still apply even if your child is in Nursery-Year 2 as school is given extra funding and you will be entitled to free school meal vouchers during half term (when the scheme is available. 


If you are successful with your application please let the school office know. 

Welfare, Benefits and Legal Advice

Liverpool Citizens Support Scheme

If you find yourself in crisis you can apply for support to get food and basic necessities for you and your family including gas and electric vouchers (urgent needs) and furniture and household essentials (home needs). 


You may need support in an emergency or crisis such as a fire or flood, or you have had to move due to violence or fear of violence, or you are leaving care or prison and need support to stay in the community.


We may also be able to provide support if you are struggling financially and unable to pay the council's green waste collection charge.


For more information visit 

This Girl Can- Swim Classes
