'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
I am Miss Cresswell, the fortunate teacher of Year 5 and I would like to introduce our class page. In Year 5, we are also very lucky to be supported by Miss Hodges and Miss Duffy. Here is where you will find out about the exciting and enjoyable things that we have been getting up to during the year. The children in Year 5 are hardworking, enthusiastic and determined learners who are always willing to try new things in order to deepen their understanding. Please explore our ‘Curriculum Page’ to gain an insight into what we are learning this year!
P.E is currently taking place on a Monday and Tuesday whereby the children will take part in yoga, Rugby Tots and OAA sessions. Please ensure that your child arrives to school in full P.E kit ready for their lessons. It is vital for the children to wear full P.E kit so they can take part in the P.E sessions safely and comfortably.
Reading is a very important aspect of learning and can make a fantastic impact across the different subjects. The children this year are being introduced to a new range of exciting books and seeing their excitement building already has been a pleasure to witness. We actively encourage children to read every night and record what they have read in their Reading Record. The Reading Record is to be signed by an adult at home regularly. It is important that your child has a book bag so they are able to take home their Reading Record and Reading book each day.
In Year 5, homework will be allocated on a Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday. The children will also be given weekly spellings to take home to learn. The children are encouraged to come and see myself in the morning if they are unsure on any of their homework and we can go through this together. If you or your child are ever unsure on a piece of homework, please do not hesitate to speak to me.
Your child has been given access to Purple Mash, Mathletics, Timestable Rockstars and Spelling Shed. Please allow your child to access these websites at home to continue their learning at home.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Miss Cresswell and Miss Hodges
PE: Rugby Tots
During this half term, Year 5 will be participating in a range of Rugby Tots sessions. This week the children focused on running on to the ball and working together in order to score.
Central Library Trip - The Globe
Liverpool BID organised a mini launch of the globe that has now taken up permanent residence outside Central library. The launch included a brief talk about the project, and a press photo opportunity. We also took part in a workshop with a local artist whereby we understand the reasoning behind the project and then worked with our peers to create our own class globe to celebrate all of our differences. The project was called “the world reimagined” and was developed to create racial justice, overcome division and to reject hatred.
Design Technology: Food and Nutrition
In this lesson we explored a range of different Asian foods. We tried biryani rice, naan, sushi, spring rolls, samosas, satay noodles, kimchi and tandoori chicken. The children all enjoyed tasting the different foods and sharing what they liked and disliked. Throughout this topic we will be learning how to make different Asian foods such as: summer rolls, stir fry and bombay potatoes.
English: Predictions
To begin our new class novel we explored the front cover and the blurb to form predictions. We looked at the image on the front cover and discussed what we noticed and what this made us infer. We then read the blurb and discussed what we noticed and understood and used our prior knowledge of Robin Hood to give reasons behind our predictions. We worked with our partners to write our predictions on post-it notes and we then added some examples to our working wall to refer back to as we read the text.
Design Technology: Textiles
The children investigated, designed, made and evaluated lunch bags that would be fit for purpose and could securely hold items of food. The children used a range of stitches to create their lunch bags including: running stitch, back stitch and blanket stitch.
Science: The Phases of the Moon
In this lesson, the children learnt about the different phases of the Moon during a lunar month. They use Oreo biscuits to accurately represent each phase. The children learnt new terminology such as: waning, waxing, crescent and gibbous.
Physical Education: LSSP Matball competition
Year 5 took part in an intra-school Matball competition. The children worked together within their team in order to score as many points as possible with the focus on making space, passing the ball and also defending/intercepting the ball.
We all had lots of fun and enjoyed competing in a competitive sport. Well done Y5 - you all showed fantastic sportsmanship skills throughout the competition.
Computing: 3D Modelling
The children used the Purple Mash programme to create 3D models. They looked at the net of the model, the 3D view and the template.
Physical Education: Gymnastics
Christmas Disco
Physical activities: Active playtimes
Children in Year 5 have been enjoying playing with the new equipment in the playtime karts. They have been working hard to improve their skipping skills, learn new skipping songs, playing cooperatively with others with the ball launcher and frisbee and explore new ways in which to play with the equipment. The sports embassadors have been doing a fantastic job of ensuring that all equipment is looked after, encouraging children to play new games and modelling behaviours of how to take turns and support one another.
DT: Sewing
This week in DT, we have been learning a range of stitches that we will use to make our lunch bags in the upcoming weeks. We have been learning the running stitch, backstitch and blanket stitch. The children all showed resilience during this lesson as this skill can be difficult to master. Well done Year 5.
DT: Exploring lunch bags
During this lesson, the children in Year 5 explored a range of lunch bags that are currently being sold in different shops. They looked at the theme, colours, material, compartments, straps/handles and fastening. They worked together to decided what the 'essentials' would be to make a suitable and hard-wearing lunch bag.
Art: Painting
During this lesson, the children painted their final piece of art in the style of Frida Khalo. The children created painting that represented their individual personalities, culture and heritage.
Athletics Competition.
Children from Y5 and Y6 attended a local athletics competitions where we competed against other local schools. The children participated in a range of activities including: relay races, javelin, chest push, speed bounce, vertical jump and long jump. All of the children who attended had a wonderful afternoon, expressed fantastic sportsmanship skills and represented our school perfectly. We are so proud of you all!
Be Me: Mental Health and Well-Being workshop
Each week, Year 5 attend a mental health and well-being workshop where we participate in yoga and learn about how to support our mental health. We talk about our feelings and emotions and how to make ourselves feel grounded.
Science: Working Scientifically
Year 5 planned their own fair test to investigate factors affecting the speed at which solids dissolve in water. The children were about to identify and control relevant variables and compare their results. They were also able to explain how taking an average of repeated readings makes the results more reliable.
P.E: Rugby Tots
During our P.E lessons, we have been extending our skills and confidence in rugby. We have been learning how to pass with control, how to find space and how to play competitively within teams.
Music: Ukulele
In our music lessons we have been learning how to play the ukulele. Each week, we are practising our skills and learning how to play different songs and also sing at the same time. This is super challenging however we are thoroughly enjoying it and we are improving week on week.