
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Having a go at our story maps!



We have been creating our own talk for writing story.


We talked about the story of the Three Billy Goats.


The children retold parts of the story to their buddy. However the children were unsure of events in the story. So we decided to learn the story by creating our own story map. 


'Talk for Write'

So we decided to learn the story by creating our own story map.

The children decided the actions and were able to contribute their ideas.

We rehearsed our story map each day introducing a new part of the story.

We were able to use our story map to retell the story of Three Billy Goats Gruff. 

Our Story maps for 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'

We re-enacted the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. 

Who's that Trip-Trapping over my bridge!

Then we received a Newsflash.

A hungry, growling and sleepy Troll had been seen under a bridge. We discussed some describing words to describe the Troll.

We identified words such as ugly, smelly, stinky, bad, naughty, frightening and scary.

We then created some Wanted posters to warn about the Troll.


Then we participated in ‘Hot Seating’ the Troll. We asked him lots of different questions. India, James and Zahra took on the role of the Troll. They were able to answer questions in role. 


The troll said that he wasn’t sorry and that he would do it again and try to eat the Three Billy Goats Gruff.


The children suggested that he did it because he was hungry and he had no friends.



Hot seating

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The children hot seating the character of the Troll. They were supporting each other to read the questions to the Troll. The children were able to take on the role of the character.
After that Tom suggested we trap the Troll. We created some instructions about ‘How to trap a Troll’. We were all able to contribute some imaginative ideas.  

How to Trap a Troll.

Instructions about How to trap a Troll.

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The children created 'Talk for Write' instructions about 'How to Trap a Troll'.

My Movie.mp4

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My Movie3.mp4

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My Movie4.mp4

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Our instructions of 'How to trap a Troll' worked. It frightened the Troll. He then apologised and we helped him write a sorry letter  to the Three Billy Goats Gruff from the Troll to say sorry for trying to eat them. We also suggested what we can do to say that we are sorry. 

I'm sorry!

Julius has suggested that we have a Troll Party. We created some revolting menus for the Troll. We really enjoyed the worms, the slime juice and the blood sandwiches.


Finally we created our own version of the Three Billy Goats Gruff using ‘Boxing up’. We did this by boxing up the events putting them in a flow chart. From this we were able to generalise the events and innovate the story. The Children were then able to identify the key events and plan their own story with a clear structure. 

'Talk for Write'

The Three Billy Goats Gruff. 

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

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The children were able to retell the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff using actions for support.


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Still image for this video