'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
I am Miss Crute, the Year 1 class teacher. The children are all settling into Year One well and working hard! You can also head over to our 'Curriculum' page to see more about what we are learning this year!
This half term, PE will be taught on Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school on these afternoons. PE kits can be purchased from the office. It is vital for health and safety reasons that the children have the correct PE kit and pumps.
Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage children to read every night. It is important that your child has their book bag every day so they are able to take home their reading record and reading book. Book bags can be purchased at the main office. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged.
Every Friday homework will be given out and is to be handed in on the following Wednesday. The homework is to review what the children have learnt during the week and help to consolidate their learning. The children will also be given spellings to learn.
Your child will be sent home with their log ins for Mathletics, Purple Mash and Spelling Shed, these are fun and interactive ways for the children to continually practise their learning, homework may also be set on these.
We had lots of fun exploring different animals' 'poo'! We examined them to see what the different animals had eaten and used the information to see if they were a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore.
When we came into school this morning there were four superheroes in our playground, they had come to defeat the bookworms who had been eating our words!
We have been practising using our capital letters correctly. Miss McGlaughlin taught us to remember using CHIPS!
C - Calendar - Months and days of the week
H - Holy Days - Christmas and Easter
I - I pronoun
P - People, places and pet names
S - Start of a sentence.
We have been working extra hard!
We love Chester Zoo! We explored the different types of animals that we have been learning about in science. We found mammals, birds, minibeasts, reptiles and amphibians!
We had lots of fun in Calderstones Park. We explored the leaves and trees to see how they change through the seasons.
We completed a senses test to see if we could guess what the mysterious objects where in the boxes!
Henri Matisse
We have been learning about artist Henr Matisse. We used his technique of 'painting with scissors' to create collages.
Year One have been exploring how to represent numbers 0-10 on a tens frame. We had lots of fun practising.
Our Science topic this term is Animals including humans, we have begun by looking at the features of a human and labelling the different body parts.
As part of our English we have learnt what a caption is and what we need to include in one. We made sure our captions had full stops, capital letters, finger spaces and made sense.
We had lots of fun looking in the mirror at our faces and identifying what our features are and where they are on our face!