
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Mission Statement



A family living, loving and learning together through the light of Christ.



•          We will reflect Christ’s love in our lives, enabling our school family to grow in the Christian faith.

•          We will celebrate uniqueness and respect differences.

•          We will witness Christ’s love, sharing his message and mission.

•          We will show forgiveness and kindness to all.

We will achieve this through:

  • Modelling and practising our Christian faith and Gospel values
  • Gathering together to celebrate Mass and celebrating the Sacraments
  • Daily prayer and worship-individual, collective and community
  • Serving others through charity work and fundraising
  • Providing opportunities for the spiritual and moral development and nourishment of staff and pupils
  • Developing the prayer life of the school through Chaplaincy groups and activities
  • Developing self-esteem through praise and celebration, Good Work and celebration assemblies, positive behaviour strategies, Code of Conduct, behaviour policy, Home/School agreements, Rainbows groups, Circle Time
  • Offering friendship freely and inclusively



•          We will encourage a love of lifelong learning by providing a broad and balanced curriculum, setting expectations to achieve high standards.

•          We will deliver high quality Catholic Education that enables children to explore their own and others traditions.

•          We will provide opportunities that enable each child to reach their full potential and to celebrate their achievements.

We will achieve this through:

  • Broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum which all pupils can access and which will enrich their experiences in life
  • INSET and staff training and development, Come and See for Yourself opportunities
  • Collaborative and creative teaching and learning opportunities
  • Exciting resources
  • Formal Assessments and evaluations of teaching and learning
  • Tracking systems
  • Regular monitoring with clear and constructive feedback
  • Reporting to Governors
  • Communication with parents through newsletters and the Wednesday Word with ideas and support for activities and teachings which can be used at home
  • Trips, visitors
  • Rewards, assemblies and celebrations
  • Updated policies covering all aspects of Religious Education, Collective Worship and Prayer Life, and the Spiritual, Cultural and Moral Development of all



•          We will stand beside, support and love the families within our school community.

•          We will work together creatively and meaningfully with our partners in the local and wider community.

•          We will respect the diversity of cultures within the family of Holy Cross.

We will achieve this through:

  • Collaborative working by Governors, staff, pupils, parents and parish through school council, meetings and consultations, sacramental preparation, reporting, celebrations, Mass, Collective Worship, learning walks, Come and See mornings
  • Readiness of the school to look at needs beyond its own through fundraising, raising local and global awareness
  • Perpetual invitation and welcome to parents, governors, visitors, local community and parish
  • Regular evaluations by Governors, teachers, pupils, parents and parish through chaplaincy visits, reports, meetings, consultations, Inspections
  • Developing positive partnerships with local schools, children’s centres and the emergency services
  • Providing children to develop their role in the local and wider community through visits and trips, assemblies and links with others- Dog’s trust, Residential trips, Tescos. LFC, Zoo, Theatre, Museum, singing at local events
  • Care and consideration for their local environment-gardening, planting day, park, local trips
  • Visitors to school, visits to places of worship, assemblies in partnership with visitors and outside companies and charities
  • Theme days and weeks such as Black History Month, International Peace Day, Little Way Week, Same but Different
  • PSHE curriculum, Global Citizenship
  • SMSC planning and curriculum mapping