
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Healthy Eating!

We have enjoyed learning about healthy eating and making smart choices with our snacks. We have been talking about our favourite foods we like to snack on. Many of us enjoy snacking on foods that are not so good for us; we talked about how we can try to swap some of the unhealthy foods for healthier options that are better for our bodies. We talked about how eating foods with lots of fat, salt and sugar in is not good for our bodies or our teeth. The children decided that they could swap some of their unhealthy snacks for healthier snacks like fruit and vegetables. The children were happy to share their favourite fruits and vegetables with their friends. We tasted a selection of different fruits, some of them were delicious and some were did not enjoy so much. We tried bananas, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and kiwi fruit.
