
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 1

Welcome to Year One


Welcome to Year One's class page, here you will find all the information you need for your child's learning. This year the children are very lucky to be taught by Miss Crute and Miss Hodges, the children are also supported in their learning by Miss Eddy. The children are all settling into Year One well and working hard! You can also head over to our 'Curriculum' page to see more about what we are learning this year!


This half term, PE will be taught on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Please ensure your child comes in to school in their full PE kit. PE kits can be purchased from the office. It is vital for health and safety reasons that the children have the correct PE kit and pumps. 


Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage children to read every night. It is important that your child has their book bag every day so they are able to take home their reading record and reading book. We have purchased brand new book bag books to support your child's early reading. The children will be listened to several times a week by different members of staff and therefore need their book bags in every day. Book bags can be purchased at the main office. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged.


Writing Instructions


As part of our class text, Float, we have explored instructions and how to use imperative verbs. We enjoyed looking at the features of instructions and created our on set on 'How To Make a Paper Aeroplane'. 

Flying our paper aeroplanes

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Naming body parts


We created a human body out of play doh and labelled body parts. 

Rugby Tots

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Painting inspired by Kandinsky 


This half term in art we have focused on painting. We had learned about Wassily Kandinsky and looked at his painting. We have learned about primary colours and how we can mix them to make secondary colours. We had lots of fun creating our final piece.

Pane Vegetables


Our final recipe for DT was to pane vegetables. We really enjoyed doing this and we tried new vegetables.



Our class text this half term is Float. Float is a special book as it has no words, just pictures. We have used our inference skills to tell the story. We then used a thesaurus to create our own vocabulary to use.

Wild or garden plant?


As part of our plant topic we have been looking at garden and wild plants. We have learnt that wild plants grow naturally and do not need help to grow. Garden plants are looked after.

Collective memory - The Jolly Christmas Postman

In groups the children took part in collective memory to describe the book cover to their friends. There was lots of brilliant descriptive and positional language language! Each group then thought of what the title of the book could be! 

Why are vegetables the best?


This half term in DT we are learning about Food and Nutrition. We have explored the eatwell plate and why it is important to have a balanced diet. Today we used our skills to cut the vegetables and followed three recipes to make vegetable dips. They tasted lovely!



I'm not a stick!


Today we read Not A Stick and created a list of things a stick could be. Next week, we will use our fantastic ideas to create our own part for Stick Man.

Our ideas included

- unicorn

- fishing rod

- horse






Smelling and tasting herbs


For our food and nutrition lesson we enjoyed exploring different herbs. We smelt and tasted:

- coriander

- mint

- thyme

- parsley

- rosemary

- basil


Zones of Regulation-Shake Break

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Zones of Regulation-Shake Break

Zones of Regulation-Butterfly Hug

Music-Hey You!-Using Our Voices In Different Ways

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Music-Singing Warm Up

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Stick Man-Babble Gabble

Learning Spanish Through Song

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ICT-Virtual Reality

Zones of Regulation-Count, Breathe, Relax

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Zones of Regulation-Rainbow Breathing

Writing Addition Number Sentences

Spanish-Numbers to 10

ICT-Creating Shapes

Fact Families

Year One have been exploring Fact families - the 8 facts. We have worked very hard to use our part whole models to be able to write the number sentences.

Exploring our key vocabulary for Stick Man

As part of our class text, Stick Man, we have been looking at the vocabulary used in the text and exploring what the words mean.

Class Text

This half term we will be exploring the story of Stick Man. We are enjoying becoming immersed in the story by:

- making predictions

- creating actions for the story

- drawing a story map

- role play

- free read of the text


You can have a look at our story map below and watch the story being read on Youtube.



Storytime for Kids Read Aloud: Stickman by Julia Donaldson

Year One have been using their talk for write skills to help them read our class text.

Stick Man-Babble Gabble

Year 1 had the best attendance across the school for the first half term and were treated to a Halloween film and pyjama party! We had snacks and enjoyed getting comfy with our blankets and teddies!

Well done Year 1!

Year 1 Ambassadors

Our class text 


This half term in English we are reading We're All Wonders. As a class we created a story map and our own actions to help us remember the words. 




You can listen to the story here:

Place Value-Sorting Objects

 Place Value to 10


In maths we have been looking at place value to ten - to help your children at home:

- Say one more or less than a number

- Count forwards

- Count backwards

- Explore a number line

- Read and write numbers as numerals and words

