'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all."
— Jacqueline Kennedy
Reading for Pleasure
"When you read often and with enthusiasm, usually just for the sheer fun
of it, you lay foundations that last for life."
Alan Gibbon (Author)
We are really encouraging the children to Read for Pleasure by bringing in their own favourite story books. When the children are reading it is important for your child to share their opinions, ideas and conversation about the story. Encourage them to talk about main events and characters using the illustrations in the story. A simple question could be to ask them to ‘tell me about…’
We hope with your support our children will read for pleasure and enjoy reading and the love of reading.
"The more that you read,
the more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go."
~ Dr Seuss
As part of 'Reading for Pleasure' we all have the opportunity to 'Drop Everything And Read'. We call this DEAR time!
In the EYFS we are also creative and imaginative storytellers! We enjoy creating our own stories using items in our special story satchel. Every day a member of our class takes home our story satchel and some special items from the storytelling table. We write, draw or mark make a story at home with our parents. The next day we become storytellers and share our story with our friends.
Our Reading Selfies!
We are continuing to develop 'Reading for Pleasure. We continue to develop the children's love of reading.
The children have been sharing their favourite stories. They have been able to talk about main events and characters using the illustrations in the story. The children will have the opportunity to participate in ‘Show and tell’.