
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Class 4

Welcome to Class 4!

Welcome to Class 4 which is led by Miss Maltz, Miss Davey and Mrs Bentley. Miss Maltz teaches English to Class 4 and 5 in the morning as well as taking Class 4 for Guided Reading. In the afternoon, Miss Davey teaches the Creative Curriculum, Re, Science and much more. 

We believe in a fun and active approach to teaching, with a curriculum that challenges all of our children. Literacy plays a big part within our class, choosing a different author to focus on each month. We also follow the Creative Curriculum led by Miss Davey which is on the topic of Elizabethan England this half term to tie in with our adding more about this performance of Macbeth at the Epstein Theatre on October 14th.  Miss Davey will be adding more about our topic, Re and Science soon to this site. Stay tuned... 

This year - Autumn Term: Topic (with Miss Davey) -
This children have many exciting things to look forward to in our Tudors/ Elizabethan England topic this Autumn term! The children will explore all aspects of Tudor life, including; learning about the Tudor's eating habits as they re-enact a Tudor banquet. Children will design, make and decorate their own Tudor trencher to eat from! The children will also prepare some Tudor foods. Class 4 will learn what life was like for rich and poor people in Tudor times.
Class 4 will also focus upon William Shakespeare. We will use the Ipads to research different facts about Shakespeare's childhood and about Shakespeare's 'Lost years'. Children are to enjoy performing Macbeth and design a Film Poster advertising a Shakespeare play.  Class 4 will also design and build the Globe Theatre!
The children will also get the opportunity to design a mini-farthingale in the style of an Elizabethan costume and create an Elizabethan ruff!
The children will learn about the violent Tudor game of mob football! The children will then write their own set of rules for the game.

Last Year :
We followed the creative curriculum and over term 2, learning a lot about the war, World War 2, The Battle of the Atlantic- working with B.B.C Radio and F.A.C.T. picture house. The term before summer,  we learnt about how to look after our environment and the meaning of conservation in the topic 'an Inconvenient Truth'.

Class 4: Your animations are being previewed on the cinema at F.A.C.T. on June the 4th. However, there will be sneak viewings even earlier: on the B.B.C. Big Screen (yes- that gigantic screen in the city centre) at various points during the Battle of the Atlantic celebrations this bank holiday weekend.

To find out more about this exciting project and the children's appearances in the newspapers and radio- look at the sub page below.

We have also undertaken a project about zoos: creating our own zoo in Math's and writing debates about zoos in English. Plus, later this term, we will be going to Chester Zoo and learning more about what zoos do for conservation.


Arushi's B.B.C. Radio interview
