'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Welcome to Year 5's Class Page
I am Mrs Hunter, the fortunate teacher of Year 5 and I would like to introduce our class page. In Year 5, we are also very lucky to be supported by Miss Morgan on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. The children in Year 5 are passionate and determined learners who are always willing to try new things in order to deepen their understanding. Please explore our ‘Curriculum Page’ to gain an insight into what we are learning this year!
Reading is a very important aspect of learning and can make a fantastic impact across the different subjects. We actively encourage children to read every night and we appreciate your support with this. Homework will be allocated on a Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday. This year homework set online on Microsoft Teams. If you or your child are ever unsure on a piece of homework, please do not hesitate to contact me. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged.
If your child needs their login details for Microsoft Teams please speak to their class teacher or email k.flanagan@holycrossprimaryschool.co.uk
Useful Links
Mathletics - https://login.mathletics.com
Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch/holy-l3
Rising Stars – myrisingstars-uk.com centre ID number - 252887
Microsoft Teams - https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/download-app
Spelling Shed – https://play.edshed.com
Oxford owl class login – Username: year5-hc Password:HolyCross01
Virtual School Library- https://library.thenational.academy/
Art home learning ideas and links
Creative activities are great for keeping you happy and calm. Below are some links to art activities that you may enjoy. They are all free and many of them require little or no resources.
FREE downloadable activity packs created by artists for children.
Drawing activities:
Draw along with Pippa and Friends:
Draw a long with children's author and illustrator Rob Biddulph:
Draw along with children's author Nick Sharratt:
Draw your own story:
Why not visit a virtual art gallery?
Digital Art:
Use your imagination to recreate famous artworks at home:
Black History Month
This week, we have taken part in celebrating Black History Month. We have watched videos, had discussions and created our own posters. The children enjoyed this focus and are keen to learn more!
P.E - Yoga
In Year 5, we have been spending some time in P.E focusing on yoga and understanding how yoga sessions help to improve our physical and mental health. The children in Year 5 thoroughly enjoy our yoga sessions.
PSHE - Where the Poppies now Grow
In PSHE, we explored the book 'Where the Poppies now Grow' and spoke about the important messages. We spoke about Remembrance Day and why this is such an important time to remember all of the brave men and women during the War. The children thoroughly enjoyed this lesson and had fantastic knowledge about this important time of the year.
Maths Party
For our Maths party we played maths games such as times table bingo, dance to songs and even made mathematical party hats! We all had so much fun!
Zones of Regulation
Using the Zones of regulation approach the children have been learning about their own emotions. We have been exploring how we feel a range of different emotions throughout the day/over a period of time. In this lesson, we discussed and sorted emotions into the different zones.
PSHE - Mental Health
During PSHE Lessons, we have been focusing on our physical and mental health and understanding how to keep our mental health strong. We discussed how everyone can experience different emotions and feelings at different times throughout the day/over a period of time and how we all have different ways to regulate ourselves and make us feel mentally stronger. The children worked really well in this lesson and took the time to listen to others suggestions. Well done Year 5!
Sharing News
Sharing news is a little different this year! We all thoroughly enjoyed listening to this news and shared the pictures together on the class board. If the children have anything they would like to share but cannot bring in to school, please send a picture to k.flanagan@holycrossprimaryschool.co.uk and we are happy to share this within our class!
P.E - Fitness
In P.E, Year 5 have been working on their level of fitness. They enjoy taking it in turns to lead the warm up and increasing their fitness week on week! Well done Year 5!
Grammar games
We play grammar games to help consolidate our learning. In this lesson, we played a sorting game with our partners focusing on main clauses and subordinate clauses. The children really enjoyed this game and asked to play a similar game the following day!
English - Fact Files
In English, we created fact files based on different birds. We first completed some research for our chosen bird, looked at examples of fact files and then created our own. The children particularly enjoyed finding out new facts about the different birds and sharing their findings with their partners.