I am Miss Davey, the Year 4/5 class teacher. The children are also supported in their learning by Miss Hodges. The children in Class 4 are fantastic learners. Explore our Class page to see some of the fantastic, exciting things we have done this year. You can also head over to our 'Curriculum' page to see more about what we are learning this year!
PE is now taught on a Tuesday afternoon, where the children will be taking part in Rugby Practice. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school on Tuesday afternoons. It is vital for health and safety reasons that the children have the correct PE kit.
A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged. Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage children to read every night. It is important that your child has a book bag so they are able to take home their Reading Record and Reading book. Book bags can be purchased at the main office.
Every Friday, homework will be given out and is to be handed in on Thursday the following week. The purpose of this homework is to review what the children have learnt during the week. The children will also be given weekly spellings to learn.
Purple MashA range of different activities to do at home
Maths Party
Annie club performed for the school. They were fantastic. Well done to Annie club for all their dedication and hard work!
Rugby Tots
The Coco Tree
Rainforest Art
Rainforest Animals Workshop
Class 4 are currently learning about the Rainforest. They enjoyed a fantastic workshop where they touched and held a selection of different rainforest animals.
Children's Rights Assembly
Hinduism Week
Science Investigation
World Book Day
Liverpool's 50/50 Enterprise
Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation visited Holy Cross to award the The Hatters, Pink Popcorn and Dab Squad with certificates for all the money they had raised for the charity. All profits the children made will help fund vital lung cancer research and support lung cancer patients and their families. In addition to helping us beat the UK's biggest cancer killer, the children learnt many practical skills through this task such as; time keeping, organisation and presentation skills. The Hatters groups were also awarded an additional £50 amazon voucher for the school as they won the 'Most Innovative' award for being the most creative business. A representative from Enterprise Business came to award the Hatters with their prize. Well done everyone!
We enjoy a challenging maths lesson!
In Class 4, during Spring 1 we are learning about fractions! We have enjoyed using different resources to represent fractions and we have enjoyed singing songs about fractions too. Look at some pictures below of a jigsaw we completed during a lesson about adding fractions with the same and different denominators!
Royal Reader
In Class 4, each week we chose a Royal Reader! The Royal Reader is a reward for the children who are bringing their reading records in every day, reading lots at home and trying their best to improve their reading skills in school. The Royal Reader gets to sit on a very comfy chair during DEAR time (Drop-Everything-And-Read) and wear a comfy cloak and a crown! Keep reading at home to get the chance to be a Royal Reader for the week.
Practising our spellings in Class 4
Reasoning and Spelling Come and See day
Thank you to all the parents/guardians who came to Class 4's Come and See Reasoning and Spelling day which gave a taster of some of the Maths Reasoning and Spelling activities that take place within our classroom. Some of the links below will give access to some Spelling and Reasoning activities you can do at home. Remember, all of Class 4 have access to IDL to practise their spellings at home.
NRich websiteLots of different reasoning activities you can do at home
A small group of children in Class 4 planned and held a beautiful Collective Worship for the rest of the class celebrating Advent. The children enjoyed listening to the story of Jesus's birth. The children spoke about what 'gifts' we can give others during Advent, for example; listening, helping someone with their work, etc.
World Gifts
Class 4 raised £41 for Cafod's World Gifts! Thank you to all the parents/ guardians for your kind, generous donations. World Gifts are CAFOD's charity gift range of virtual and ethical presents that will delight the people you give them to and help transform the lives of poor communities and families in developing countries. As a class, we voted for which World Gifts we wanted to purchase with the money we had raised. We voted for 'Healthy mum and baby' - This wonderful gift will help pay for vaccinations, HIV testing, pre- and post-natal care, malaria treatment and extra food for children at risk of becoming malnourished. We also bought 'Fabulous Football' In poor urban areas, football can provide a positive alternative to crime. This gift can pay for kits, footballs and training that bring disadvantaged children together. Our gifts will really help people in need - Well done Class 4!
Class 4 enjoyed working with 'Food for thought' creating Gingerbreads for Christmas!
50/ 50 Challenge
Class 4 and 5 enjoyed raising money for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation through the 50/50 Challenge. The 50/50 challenge enabled the children to develop business skills turning £50 start-up capital into as much profit as possible in 50 days, using their own business ideas! The children held comfy PJ days where the children could pay to wear their PJs whilst watching a Christmas film. The children also held a whole-school cake sale to raise money. Thank you parents/ guardians for all the yummy cakes and money you donated. The children managed to turn £50 into over £400 for the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation! Great business skills Class 4 and 5!! The next Alan Sugar could be amongst us...
Learning all of our times tables up to 12x12 in Class 4
Mr Godfrey visited Class 4 to work with us to help us learn our times tables. We enjoyed singing a song about the 7 times tables! We then played different multiplication games!
Mad Hair Day - Raising money for Children in Need.
Class 4 brought in £1 and came into school with some very funky hairstyles to help raise money for Children in Need. The whole school was involved and lots of money was raised for an excellent cause - well done!
Developing our measuring skills in Art lessons creating Christmas decorations
Class 4 created wonderful christmas decorations for The Snowflake Trail 2016, Liverpool’s very own winter festival of spectacular lights, atmospheric sound and snowflake sculptures. The children’s decorations will be unveiled on Thursday 1st December at 6pm on Church Street and will last approximately 20 minutes. The children worked very hard using measuring skills learnt in Maths lessons to ensure the decorations were made correctly. It was hard work but the decorations looked wonderful!
Sound in science
We were learning about how sound travels. We created our own string telephones! We know that the sound source causes the particles in the air to vibrate. These vibrating particles travel to the ear.
We created Panpipes using straws! We made the pipes different sizes to make the sound different pitches. The smaller tubes making a high pitched sound and a long tube making a low pitched sound.
We worked in groups to create videos for younger children teaching them about sound.
Trip to Fact Picturehouse
Class 4 visited FACT Picturehouse to watch Bedknobs and Broomsticks. The children had lots of fun watching the film.
Place Value and Understanding Number
Class 4 enjoyed using the Diene's equipment in Maths to represent numbers. The children used the equipment to represent 4 digit numbers.
Religious Education
Class 4 created some beautiful stained-glass artwork using tracing paper. The Class looked at a range of different stained glass windows in churches to give them ideas to create their own design to represent Joseph's life. The children drew pictures of Joseph and decorated it with symbols representing Joseph's life.
Look below at a range of photos from our computing lessons! We used coding on Scratch to created a prototype for a computer game! We then presented our ideas to the class.
We love creating beautiful artwork.
We have thoroughly enjoyed reading Beowulf by Michael Morpurgo. We have created beautiful pieces of artwork based on the front cover of the story.
Well done to Maggie, Summer and Christian who the class voted to represent Class 4 as an ecadet!
Remember how important it is to have a healthy, balanced diet and get regular exercise.
Library trips
On Tuesday Year 4 went to central library to meet poet, Ian Bland. Ian read us some of his poems and then helped us to write our own Kenning poems.
On Friday 4th October, year 5 pupils visited Liverpool Library to see 'That Poetry Bloke', Craig Bradley. The children had a fantastic time. They sang songs using rhymes and tackled fun tongue twisters.
Joseph and his multi-coloured dreamcoat.
We created beautiful Winter scenes for an Art competition.
Physical Education
A coach came into Holy Cross to teach Class 4 how to play lacrosse. The children had lots of fun learning a new sport.
Art and Dance Workshop
Class 4 was visited by Bluecoat Art Gallery to take part in a fantastic workshop where they mixed art with movement.
The children enjoying working together to create a drawing of a Roman soldier. The children based their drawings on a piece of artwork called Faithful unto Death by Sir Edward John Poynter.
Look at this fantastic Roman Soldier made at home!
Class 4 make Roman soldier shields!
Trip to the Walker Art Gallery
Trip to the World Museum
The children enjoyed a trip to the World Museum. The children enjoyed exploring Roman, Viking and Ancient Egyptian artefacts. The children went into a workshop to explore Egyptian artefacts more closely before completing their own piece of Ancient Egyptian art work based on the artefact.
Writing Instructions
In English the children have been writing instructions. The children created their own playground game. They had to give clear instructions to the class so they were able to understand how to play the new game!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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