
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


We have been drawing scary pictures of Ghosts, Skeletons and Ghostbusters. We discussed scary stories and talked about exploring a story called 'Funnybones'. This story is scary as it is set in a dark, dark place and it is all about skeletons.

We have been reading Funnybones by Janet and Allan Alhberg. We enjoyed sharing the story and discussing the different events that happened throughout.

We talked about the different skeleton characters and about the repeated phrases throughout

'In a dark dark...'.


We created our own scary stories based on Funnybones with our friends by brainstorming ideas to change the characters, setting and the repeated phrases.


We boxed up our story to help us create, use our imagination and organise the layout of our scary story.


Next we created a whole class scary story and boxed up our story called 'The Three Sad Snowy Bears'. We ensured that our story had different characters, a different setting and we changed the repeated phrase.


Finally we created a story map for our scary story and we performed our talk for writing.


We used Funnybones to create our own story that included a change in setting, characters, repeated phrase, story language and connectives to support our storytelling skills and develop our language and extend our vocabulary.


Beware we have created some scary, frightening stories!

Don't be afraid!

The Three Sad Snowy Bears.

The Three Sad Snowy Bears.

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We brainstormed ideas for our scary story, we boxed it up and created a story map. We used our story map to read and act out the story with actions. We used our storytelling voices and our actions for our connectives.


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