
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

The Gingerbread Man

Miley-May has been designing a gingerbread house for the Gingerbread Man. She suggested that we share the story together.



We read the story and created our own role play.

Our Gingerbread Man Story.

Then the children created a walk through story map to identify main events in the story.




The children were then able to create book reviews about the story drawing pictures and writing sentences about their favourite parts, favourite characters and whether they would recommend the story.


They created their own 'Talk for 'Writing' of the Gingerbread Man. Pearl drew her own version independently in her play. Ethan confidently  wrote the beginning of the story and Aidan drew the characters in the story.


The children have continued to develop their independent writing skills by creating Lost posters describing the Gingerbread Man.

We designed our own Gingerbread Men for our friends in Nursery. We flipped them up and...SNAP!

Stay tuned for our Talk for Writing of 'The Gingerbread Man'.

The Gingerbread Man

Still image for this video
Then we  boxed up the story of The Gingerbread Man. We used this,  to create our own versions. We then created our own story map.

Our stories based on The Gingerbread Man.

Finally we created a 'Talk for Writing' instructions about How to make a Gingerbread Man. We were making The Gingerbread Mum a new Gingerbread Man.


How to make a Gingerbread Man

We created our own 'Talk for Writing' instructions and then we made some Gingerbread Men.

They were delicious YUM YUM!
