'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
I am Miss McKerr, the Year 1 class teacher, the children are also supported in their learning by Miss Crute and Miss Eddy. The children are all settling into Year One well and working hard! You can also head over to our 'Curriculum' page to see more about what we are learning this year!
During Autumn 2 , PE will be taught on Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure comes to school in a full PE kit. PE kits can be purchased from the office. It is vital for health and safety reasons that the children have the correct PE kit and pumps.
Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage children to read every night. It is important that your child has their book bag every day so they are able to take home their reading record and reading book. Children should read their reading books several times in order to help develop their fluency. Children will also be given a library book, this is to enjoy together. Book bags can be purchased at the main office. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged.
Your child will be sent home with their log ins for Mathletics, Purple Mash and Numbots, these are fun and interactive ways for the children to continually practise their learning.
Year 1 have enjoyed getting to know our new class text, we have been exploring the story and joining in with echo reading.
As part of our DT project we have been making three different dips:
- beetroot pesto
- pea and mint puree
- tomato and pineapple salsa
This week we will pitta pockets adding in our favourite dips.
Year 1 looked amazing in their costumes for the bug ball!
We have been learning about what past and present mean. We have looked at different items, such as toys and vehicles, to decide if they are from the past or the present.
We have enjoyed our new DT topic, 'Why Are Vegetables Best?'. We have learnt about having a balanced healthy plate. Before we make our vegetable dips, we have been learning the skills of grating, peeling and chopping.
Year one have been practising their number bonds within 10. We have been using counters, numicon and tens frames to support our learning.
Year 1 have enjoyed learning our new class text - We're All Wonders. We have been thinking about how we are all wonders.
Year 1 have enjoyed learning about the Creation Story.