Welcome to the Year Two class page! My name is Miss Greer and I am the lucky Year Two class teacher, children will be assisted in their learning by Miss Duffy. Please take the time to explore our class page and see just how fantastic Year Two are. Don't forget to also check out our 'curriculum' page to find out more about what we are learning this year.
This term PE will be taught on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Children will take part in Rugby Tots lessons on a Tuesday and Games sessions on a Friday. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school each week as it is vital for health and safety reasons that children are wearing the correct PE uniform and pumps. PE kits can be purchased from the office.
Children will I’ll take home buster books every Friday for homework. Children are expected to complete 2 pages in each book and return it to school by the following Thursday for it to be marked. Children will also take home spellings each week to practise at home.
A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged. Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage children to read every night. It is important that your child has a book bag so they are able to take home their Reading Record and Reading book. Book bags can be purchased at the main office. Children's reading books will be changed once a week.
Sports Day
Summer Fayre
Ness Gardens
RE Through Paint
This week we have been remembering how Jesus started his new life and promised to send the Holy Spirit to help us. We created beautiful pictures of this using paint.
Mrs Twit Hot Seating
This term we are really enjoying reading The Twits. We think they are disgusting and they play horrible, evil tricks on each other. We had some burning questions we had to ask Mrs Twit about her behaviour.
Easter Activities
As we have been preparing for the most special time of the year we have also been taking part in some fun activities. We have had a Easter Egg hunt were everyone collected chocolate and had lots of fun. We have also had a Easter Bonnet Parade, everyone looked amazing and the bonnets were so unique. Well done everyone!!
The Nursery children have been looking after some newborn chicks. We took the opportunity to go visit them. They were tiny but very very cute.
This week in RE we have been learning all about Islam. We have learnt about the different movements involved in prayer and about Muslim life at home. Some children very kindly brought in prayer mats and traditional clothing to demonstrate praying for us. We also had a special visit from one of our parents who we asked lots of questions to. We loved learning about Islam this week.
World Book Day
To celebrate World Book Day we were invited to Liverpool Library to take part in a workshop. We heard some Fabulous stories and enjoyed challenging riddles. We were even better than the adults at finding the answers!!
CAFOD Lent Workshop
This week we had an assembly from CAFOD. The assembly outlined what we could give up for Lent. We also had a workshop in class were we thought about Pope Francis and how he can help us and how we can look after our beautiful world.
1960’s Timeline
Today in our History lesson we created a timeline about all we have learnt so far about the sixties. We used Maths rods to make sure our timelines had equal intervals and we even got to draw on the tables using markers to label each year!
Lines of Symmetry
We have been learning all about shape in our Maths lessons. Today we focused on finding lines of symmetry. We used pens to draw the lines on the shapes. We even discovered a pattern - Ask your child if they can remember the pattern we discovered!!
This term for ICT we have became photographers! We have focused on taking and editing pictures of nature! Look at us taking some fabulous photographs.
Tasting Real Astronaut’s Food
In our History lessons we have been learning about The Sixties. This week we have been learning about the Neil Armstrong and the moon landing. We even got the opportunity to taste some real astronaut food!! We didn’t think the Astro strawberries tasted very nice!
Bar Charts
This week we have been learning all about bar charts. We have using cubes to create our own and create questions to ask our friends to find information from them.
Freeze Frames
This term we are reading the book Voices in the Park. This week we have been reading The Third Voice. We acted out parts of the story using freeze frames.
Ferry Across the Mersey
In our Geography lessons this term we have been learning all about Liverpool. We took part in a workshop about the River Mersey and even got the opportunity to travel across the river on the ferry.
Can we change the shape of some materials?
This week in Science we made our very own SLIME. We wanted to find out if we could change the shape of materials. We discovered that using hot water made a difference compared to using cold water. When we used hot water the material was solid to touch but also changed into a liquid when it was left alone.
Map Skills
This week we have been using maps to find our way around Liverpool. We have been trying to find the shortest and longest route from one destination to another.
How to Trap a Dragon
We have been learning all about instructions this week. We used Talk for Writing to learn the instructions How to Trap a Dragon.
This week we were very excited to see the Jack and the Beanstalk panto. It was really fun, we loved it especially all the super songs!
Chester Zoo Rangers
This week we had a very special visit from a Chester Zoo Ranger. We took part in a workshop about African animals. We learnt about different animals habitats and even got to touch some real animal skin and bones!
Which tights are the stretchiest?
This week in Science we read a poem about a little, old lady who was having trouble with a horrid spider. We decided to test different types of tights to help the lady. We decided after our experiment that the navy tights were the most stretchy because they were the thinnest. We let the little, old lady know she should buy some of these tights so she could easily tie up the spider!
Co-Coaching Partners
This half term we have been working very hard in our Maths lessons using coaching partners. We each work with a partner and take it in turns to become a ‘teacher’ and explain to out partner how to work out the problem presented. We are all becoming fabulous teachers!!
Challah Bread
For World Religion this week we have been learning about Judaism. We have learnt all about the Jewish celebration Shabbat. We made our very own Challah bread which Jewish people eat during Shabbat. It was very tasty!
This week in our computing lessons we have been using Codeapillars to program a path for the Code-a-pillar to follow. It was great fun and we really had to think about the clear instructions we needed to use.
School Fair
This term in our English lessons we have been reading the story Dogger. We found the pictures of Dogger’s school fair to look really exciting so we decided to create our very own fair for Reception and Year One. To begin we decided on the games we would have, we then created instuctions for the games so the younger children would know how to play. We also created some posters so the other children knew when and where our fair was happening. It was a huge success and we had lots of fun!!
National Poetry Day
To celebrate National Poetry Day we took part in a BBC live lesson on poetry. We learnt about similes, metaphors and alliteration. We created some amazing similes and alliteration of our own.
Our Science topic this term is Materials. We recapped all the different materials we leant about in Year One. We used some silly spinners with materials and objects to discuss if materials would suit the purpose of the object. Some of our favourite combinations were water tables and glass shoes.
This week we started back at our Spanish lessons which are lots of fun. We practised counting up to 20 and were able to sing lots of Spanish songs. We also recapped words related to our families. We were super and remembered lots from last year!
Place Value
Since we have started back this term we have been using lots of practical equipment in class exploring the place value of two digit numbers. We have been finding it quite the challenge using equipment such as numicon, place value counters and deans rods to represent different numbers and solve many reasoning problems. We have been thoroughly enjoying this challenge!!
Rosa Parks
This term for History Year Two are learning all about the lives of significant people from the past. We started our topic by learning about Rosa Parks. We created our own bus in class and acted out the famous Montgomery bus scene. We soon realised the devastating consequences that segregation had in society and the key role Rosa Parks had in helping bring changes.
The Giants Are Coming!
Thank you to all the parents who came along to our giant workshop. We all had lots of fun creating our own dream catchers for the giants. We are very excited for them to return to the city next month.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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