
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

National Safer Internet Day in EYFS


Internet Safety


Before you click, click, click…
You need to think, think, think…

Before you click, click, click...

Still image for this video

Staying Safe

The children have been learning about eSafety to help them understand how to keep themselves safe when using the internet and other electronic devices. 



Children start using computers from a very early age and are increasingly using the Internet more and more whether it is at home, in school or on a games console. With this in mind, Internet Safety and knowing how to protect themselves online is essential. 

What is E-Safety?


E-safety supports our children in staying safe in the virtual world. It is important that we equip children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe so they can experience the internet positively and responsibly. 


On Safer Internet day we wanted to reinforce this message to the children. 


The children were able to produce some safety rules to follow when they are accessing the internet. 
Don’t talk to strangers (in real life or on the internet)

Always tell an adult if you don’t like something.

Never give out any details on the internet.

Play games for your age.

Guidance at home


Parents and Guardians play an essential role in supporting children in learning about how to stay safe online. Please find a number of links to provide you with the relevant guidance to help support your child. 


Useful Links:
