
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 2

Welcome to Year Two!

Welcome to the Year Two class page! My name is Miss Greer and I am the Year Twoclass teacher. Please take the time to explore our class page and see just how fantastic Year Two are. Don't forget to also check out our 'curriculum' page to find out more about what we are learning this year.

This term PE will be taught on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon. Children will take part in Games lessons on a Monday and Rugby Tots sessions on a Tuesday. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school each week as it is vital for health and safety reasons that children are wearing the correct PE uniform. 

Homework will be handed out every Friday and children should return it by the following Thursday. The purpose of homework is to review what the children have learnt in class each week. Children will also change their home reading books once a week. 

Slavery Museum 

As part of our current History topic we have been learning about Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks. We visited the Slavery Museum to find out what life would have been like for slaves. We also took part in an art workshop were we made our own African masks.

Code A Pillars

We have been using code-a-pillars in our Maths lessons to describe position, direction and movement.

PE In the Sun 

Today we enjoyed PE outside in the beautiful sunshine. We worked on our balancing and jumping skills. We wish the weather would stay like this so we could enjoy PE outside every week!!

Enjoying DEAR Time 

Each Friday afternoon Year Two enjoy some DEAR time which means we drop everything and read. We love DEAR time!!!!

Telling the Time

This week we have been working very hard to learn how to tell the time. We have found this quite tricky but enjoyed the challenge. You can help your child at home by practicing to tell the time in blocks of 5 minutes. 

Maundy Thursday

We have been learning all about Lent in our RE lessons and the opportunity it provides to do good. We have also been learning about the Easter story, on Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus washed his disciples feet to show the disciples how they should treat other people. We re-enacted this in class and thought of ways we could help other people. 

Easter Disco

Building 3D Shapes 

We used straws and blu tack to create 3D Shapes. We had to think about the number vertices, edges and faces for each shape before we started to build them. We created placards to name and explain the properties of each shape.

A Premier League Writer!

We would all like to send a huge congratulations to Aashvi who was selected as the North West regional winner for a Premier League poetry competition. Aashvi’s poem about resilience was selected out of 25,200 entries from a panel who included Frank Lampard, Yannick Bolasie and Children’s Laureate Lauren Child. As part of her prize LFC held an assembly in school where children got to meet the Liverpool mascot Mighty Red. Aashvi was also a mascot for the Liverpool legends game against Bayern Munich. Well done Aashvi!!!

Published Writers!!

This week we have been celebrating!! Seven children from year two who entered a riddle competition were selected to have their riddles published. We received a copy of the book which is now in our reading corner for anyone to read when they like. Well done to you all!!!

Symmetrical Patterns

This week we have been learning all about symmetry. We used numicon and counters to create symmetrical patterns. We had lots of fun working in pairs to make sure both halves of our patterns were exactly the same!!!

Pobble Launch Day

This week we had a Pobble launch day. Pobble is a website which we will soon be using to publish children’s work. Children took part in a range of writing activities and we had an assembly to celebrate children’s writing at the end of the day.

Minibeast Hunt

Continuing with our Habitats topic in our Science lessons this week we have been learning all about Micro-habitats. A micro-habitat is a small habitat where you would find a minibeast. Like other habitats a micro-habitat has to be suitable and provide food, shelter and water. We went on a minibeast hunt around school to find some micro habitats. 

Habitat Exhibition 

Year Two were set a Science homework project to create their own habitat using a cardboard box. Children worked really hard on their projects at home and created some amazing habitats. As a thank you for all their hard work we held a habitat exhibition in class for parents. We also had a little surprise video for our parents. 

Cookery - Chocolate Croissants

This week we started our cookery lessons. We began by learning all about hygiene when cooking. We wore hairnets to ensure no hair got into our food, we also made sure to wash our hands and wore aprons to stop any contamination. We loved making our own croissants.

World Book Day Library Trip

Today we visited Liverpool Central Library to celebrate World Book Day. We had the opportunity to listen to a super story teller who told us story through song and art. Our favourite part of the trip was listening to ‘The Story With No Pictures’. When we got back to school we even created our very own stories with no pictures. 

Gender Equality 

This week we have been very lucky to have a fantastic group of students deliver a Gender Equality assembly and workshop. We played lots of fun games and explored lots of stereotypes around gender. We discovered that we can do what ever we out our minds to despite our genders!

Knowsley Safari Park

This term we have been learning all about habitats in our Science lessons and Africa in our topic lessons. Today we visited Knowsley Safari Park where we took part in a habitats workshop with our very own Safari tour guide. Our guide was fabulous and also took us on a tour around the Safari Park where we saw lots of African animals such as snakes, giraffes, lions and rhinos. We also got to watch the spectacular sea lion show, we had a great day!!

DT Project - African Bags

This week we have been completing DT projects. We started by evaluating African patterns and we then used these as inspiration to design our own.  We used paper to create prototype bags to see where and how we would join our materials. We also used felt paper to practise stitching. We transferred our patterns onto polystyrene and used printing ink to create our patterns on our material. Once we had cut the exact material we needed from our templates we sewed our bags together. Below are some pictures of each process of our project. 

Mixing Colours 

In our RE lesson this week used paint to create our own interpretations of Mass responses. Before we painted our pictures we experimented mixing primary colours to create secondary colours. 

Virtual Reality 

This week we travelled all the way to Kenya with the help of virtual reality. We have been learning all about Africa in our topic lessons and got to get up close and personal with African animals.


In our Science lessons we have been learning all about Living Things and Their Habitats. We have discovered that animals need to live in a habitat that is suitable for them. This week we created our very own animals that are adaptable to living in a range of habitats. We first evaluated features that make animals suited to habitats, then we used our sketch books to create a range of animal patterns with oil pastels. We all created our own unique animals which we have displayed in our classroom. 

Throwing skills


This week in PE, we learnt how to throw under arm and over arm. We then had lots of fun playing a relay game in which we had to aim for the hula hoop using over and under arm. 


Playing in a band


The year 2 children have been focusing on rock music for this term. We really enjoy listening to and dancing to this style of music! 



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African Art

This week in our topic lessons we have been focusing on African art. We researched, critiqued and designed our own patterns using light and dark shades. We also used wax crayons and oil pastels to create sunset images. We created some beautiful art pieces.

School Council Class Meeting 

This week we had our first class school council meeting, the meeting was led by our two class representatives. We took a democratic vote to decide which event we should do in order to celebrate UNICEF Day for Change on February 6th. Our class voted for a whole school assembly.

Rugby Tots

This term we have started our Rugby Tots sessions, we have been working really hard to improve our ball control and spacial awareness skills. 


At the beginning of the Spring term we have started learning all about fractions in our Maths lessons. We have been finding different fractions of shape and started by breaking chocolate bars into halves and quarters.

Christmas Disco

Parent’s Arts and Crafts Afternoon. 

Year One and Year Two invited parents in for an arts and crafts afternoon for parents to help children create props for our Christmas play. 

Christmas Jumper/Christmas Dinner Day


This week year two have started learning about multiplication. Today we were using cubes to build arrays, we then used each other’s arrays to create repeated addition and multiplication number sentences. 


This term we have been learning all about Materials in Science. This week we have been discovering the properties of different materials. We found out that we can bend, stretch and squish slime. We created our own slime but unfortunately our slime did not turn out as expected. We decided to write a set of instructions to explain how to create successful slime! 

Maths Problem Solving Workshop

This week year two have taken part in a Maths problem solving workshop. We had to work as a class to try and make it across a grid using co-ordinates without standing on forbidden square. It was tricky but because of our amazing teamwork we managed to make it across safely!

Library Trip

This week year two had the opportunity to visit Liverpool Central Library to listen to a fantastic storyteller. She taught us that we don’t always have to write stories but we can can use drawings and can also act them out. We had lots of fun singing and dancing. We also had a chance to have a look around the library at some fantastic books. 

How to trap a dragon! 


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The Queen’s Coronation 

This week we have started our new topic ‘What was it like when the Queen came to the throne in 1953?’ Today we were learning about the Queen’s coronation. We acted out our very own coronation ceremony in class.

The Great Holy Cross Bake Off

Virtual Reality Experience

As we have been learning all about Liverpool in our Topic lessons, we used virtual reality to take wonder around many famous landmarks on our city!!

Where could we go for a holiday in the United Kingdom?


This week we have been using iPads to research places in the United Kingdom where we could go for a holiday. We have found lots of places such as Newcastle in Northern Ireland, Scarborough in England and Oban in Scotland. We found out that all of these places have lots of fun activities to do such as water sports and mountain walks. We then used the information we found out to create leaflets to persuade someone to visit the destination. 


This week for our RE lessons we have been learning all about Judaism and the celebration of Shabbat. Jewish people eat a special type of bread on Shabbat called Challah bread so we decided to make some of our own. It was very tasty!!! 

School Fair

Today we held our very own school fair. We had lots of fun and enjoyed showing the younger children what to do. 

Improving our Map Skills!!

School Fair Posters

This week we have been planning our very own school fair. Today we used iPads to create posters to stick around school to advertise our fair to the other classes.

Greater Than and Less Than

This week we have been using lolly sticks and pegs to create statements using greater than and less than symbols. 

Which material has the best grip?

This week year two received an email from an angry parent whose child kept slipping over in their school shoes. We thought we could carry out some tests to find out which material would stop their child from slipping. We found out that rubber would best suit a child's shoe because it had the best grip.

Freeze Frames.

This week we have been creating freeze frames using our class text Dogger.

Open Top Bus Tour


Although we didn't quite have the weather today we still had an amazing time on our trip on the Open Top Bus Tour. As we are studying all about Liverpool in our topic lessons we spotted lots of places that we have been learning about and also learnt lots of interesting new facts. We would like to thank our tour guide Tony for his fantastic comments about our behaviour and interaction.

Place Value

Maths Ambassadors

Today the class had their very own democratic vote. Children came to school prepared with a speech or maths theme show and tell. After listening to the excellent candidates the class took a vote in order to decide who should represent year two. Well done to our two successful candidates Aashvi and Amelie. 

Sock Puppets

This week we have created our very own aliens. We used a pair of our own socks and decorated them to look like aliens. We gave each of our aliens there very own alien name. You can see our sock puppets on display in our reading corner. 

Number Bonds.

On our first week back we have been recapping our number bonds to ten and twenty using maths equipment and iPads to help us.

Our First Day in Year Two 
