
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 2

Welcome to Year Two!

Welcome to the Year Two class page! My name is Miss Mc Ardle and I am the lucky Year Two class teacher. Please take the time to explore our class page and see just how fantastic Year Two are. Don't forget to also check out our 'curriculum' page to find out more about what we are learning this year.


This term PE will be taught on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Children will take part in Rugby Tots lessons on a Tuesday and Games sessions on a Friday. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school each week as it is vital for health and safety reasons that children are wearing the correct PE uniform and pumps. PE kits can be purchased from the office. 


Children will take home buster books every Friday for homework. Children are expected to complete 2 pages in each book and return it to school by the following Thursday for it to be marked. Children will also take home spellings each week to practise at home. 


A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged. Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage children to read every night. It is important that your child has a book bag so they are able to take home their Reading Record and Reading book. Book bags can be purchased at the main office. Children's reading books will be changed once a week. 



We have begun to look at measuring length using CM and M. This term we will also be looking at the measurement of temperature and mass. 

Using a thesaurus 


Today we used a thesaurus to extend our vocabulary in our story writing 



In History, we used base 10 to help us work out how many decades ago the 60's were! We now know that 1 decade is the same as 10 years. 



Today superheros came to school! They told us that book worms had taken over the city and were stealing our words! We must use our power of words in our writing to stop them! 



This Term Year Two have taken part in Gymnastics! We have preformed gymnastic actions with increasing coordination, control and variety. 



Year 2 will be designing and making their own puppets to preform a fairy tale for Nursery. We practised a running stitch so that we will have the skills to make our puppets. 

Using a compass


We learnt how to use a compass! We planned a route to the football pitch using directional language. We learnt the four compass points, North, East, South and West. We recorded our route using these. 



We have been using our coding skill to design our own programme! We made sure to use our debugging skills to solve any problems that we had. 

Testing Materials


We have been testing materials to find out which material would be best to block a hole in a bucket. We made predictions before the experiment.We decided that we need to make sure our material is waterproof. We wrote up our findings and wrote a conclusion. 



We have been looking at other faiths this week. As part of respecting other faiths we have learnt about Shabbat. On Shabbat Jewish people eat Challah bread and celebrate with their families. 

Locating using Maps and Atlases


We have begun our new Geography topic. We will be looking at physical features in our local area. Before we can do this, we need to make sure we can locate the four countries and surrounding seas of the UK!

Collective Worship


This week our collective worship theme is belonging.  We have been reading scriptures about how Jesus made sure everyone felt as though they belonged in the family of God. We have been going forth this week by making sure that everyone in our school, home and community feel as though they belong.



Year 2 are becoming coders! We are learning about algorithms and how to debug algorithms. 



Today we learnt that butter, soil, milk and flour are all materials! A material is something that can make a new material! We used our senses to explore the materials. 

Year 2 Dogger Fair


After reading the story Dogger, Year 2 decided to create an Autumn fair! We planned our fair, created advertisement posters and wrote instructions for the games. 

Adding 2 digit number and a 1 digit number


We have learnt that when adding a 2 digit number and a 1 digit number we first use a part-whole model to separate our tens and ones in our two digit number. Once we have done that we can add our ones together. After, we add our tens on. Being able to partition our numbers will help us when we are mentally adding. 

Which material will be best for the bottom of a shoe?


Today we worked in groups to carry out an experiment. We made predictions, carried out our experiment and recorded our results in our books. Some of us thought that fabric would be a good material to use however we then tested this material with water in case it rained! We found out that fabric absorbs the water and we would get wet feet! We then decided that rubber would be the best material because it is waterproof and isn't slippy when walking. 

Purple Mash


We began to learn how to use purple mash. We know that we need to click onto safari and use the search engine to find Purple Mash. We learnt how to log ourselves in using our username and password. To keep ourselves safe online we must remember to log out once we are finished!  

Hot seating Dave


We wanted to know how Dave was feeling after he finds Dogger on the stall at the summer fair! First we thought about how to ask good questions and recorded these in our books. Afterwards, children were chosen to be Dave and answer our questions! We learnt how to answer a question by adding lots of detail and explaining clearly how Dave might have felt! 

Estimating numbers on a number lines


We used blank number lines to help us estimate and place numbers correctly. We learnt that the the number in the middle is called the midpoint and that the midpoint of a number line will be different depending on the last number on our number line! 

Which ball will bounce the highest?


Today we worked in groups to carry out an experiment. We made predictions based on what we already have learnt about materials in Year 1 and 2. We then carried out our experiment and recorded our results in our books. 


Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela timeline


We used running reporter to help us sequence the events of Rosa Park's and Nelson Mandela's lives in chronological order. We learnt that these two people were significant individuals in history. We then worked together to create a timeline using blocks to place dates. We used words such as past, decade and then to talk about the events. This helped us to place the events on given scales timelines in our books.

We are scientists! 


Year two had lots of fun using their scientific skills this afternoon. We observed and made notes  of evidence on our tables to help us discover what our Science topic will be. We think we will be learning about materials because we have different types of plastic, wood, fabric, metal and much more materials on our tables. We were able to remember words such as hard, soft, smooth and flexible to describe these materials. 

More than/less than 


We used our more than/less than crocodiles to help us remember how to correctly use our symbols.

God's Creation


We learnt about how God created our wonderful world in our RE topic. We enjoyed working together to make a representation of the world that God created for us to look after. We added this to our display to help us reflect whilst praying. 



We found out that our class text will be Dogger! We really enjoyed reading our new book as a class. Today we read the first four pages of our book and identified the characters. We then worked in pairs to use the text to find adjectives! This will help us to write descriptive sentences tomorrow! 

Using sources 


Today Year 2 began to explore their first History topic. We asked relevant questions to find out more about the past. We were then given sources to explore and answer questions. We found out we will be learning about Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks! 
