'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Welcome to Reception!
Online Learning
Hello Reception!
From Monday 11th January, we will start using Microsoft Teams, Purple Mash and Rising Stars for your online learning. Below you will find a timetable for the weeks learning that will take place both in school and at home. On the timetable, there is also a little instruction for which app/resources you need to use.
I will upload new lessons/activities for you to do each day. I will also set up drop in sessions on Teams where you will be able to ask myself any questions that you may have about your online learning.
I have also attached some extra information for parents/guardians about how to use Microsoft Teams.
Please don't worry- it might take us all a bit of time to get used to it at first!
There are packs available for you to collect in school that may assist you with your online learning. The packs will also include a document with all of your logins details.
Keep up the hard work Reception! I am so proud of you as always!
Miss Mitchell
Useful Links
Purple Mash - https://www.purplemash.com/sch/holy-l3
Rising Stars – myrisingstars-uk.com centre ID number - 252887
Microsoft Teams - https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/download-app
PE With Joe - https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1
Dough Disco - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K-CQrjI0uY
Virtual School Library- https://library.thenational.academy/
Please visit the school closure page for some more useful links, resources and ideas for things you can do at home.
Click the link below:
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Click on the link below to watch Reception practising their forward rolls. They are doing a brilliant job!
Click on the link below to watch and listen to Reception singing their Easter songs. Reception are wonderful singers! We hope you enjoy.
Elmer Story Map
Reception have been reading the story Elmer. They have created their own Elmer story map with actions to help them become storytellers.
My Special Name
Reception have been talking about their special name. We know we are all unique and important. We know God knows us and calls us by our name.
The Colour Monster
In Reception, we have been talking and learning about feelings and emotions using the story 'The Colour Monster'. Each morning we talk about how we are feeling and place our name in the correct coloured jar.