
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd


The Season of Lent is from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday.
Lent is a time when we think of others before ourselves. 
Many people choose to give up something they like, or do something to help others.


We are doing a bake sale to raise money for the Good Shepherd Appeal.


What are you doing for Lent to raise money for the Good Shepherd Appeal?



We decided to make some cakes to sell for our appeal.

We asked our families to kindly contribute cakes for our bake sale.

Our Bake Sale for the Good Shepherd Appeal.

Good Shepherd Appeal
Closing Prayer

Thank you Lord for our Family,

and all that they do for us.

Help us be like Jesus the Good Shepherd

and care for all those that need us.



smileyWe have raised over £300 so far for our Good Shepherd Appeal! smiley

