
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 class page!


I am Miss Carney, the Year 3 class teacher. This year, the children will also be supported by Miss Hagar. All of the children have settled into Year 3 very well and have been working very hard! I have had a lovely first half term with your children and getting to know them all!

You can head over to the Year 3 Curriculum Page to see in more detail what we are learning about this year!


This half term, PE will be taught on Tuesday afternoons. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing their full PE kit every Tuesday. PE kits can be purchased from the office. It is vital for health and safety reasons that the children have the correct PE kit and pumps. 


As reading is an extremely important aspect of learning, we actively encourage children to read at home every evening. It is also important that children bring their book bags into school every day along with their reading record and reading book. Book bags are available for purchase at the main office. We appreciate and encourage as much support from home as possible with your child's learning to help foster a positive work ethos and love for learning. In Year 3, children are expected to use their own initiative when they need to change their books and will be provided with opportunities to do so as and when they need to.


Every Friday, I will send children home with homework to be completed for the following week. Homework is to review and practice what the children have been learning throughout the week and to help to consolidate their learning. Children also have access to online programmes such as TT Rockstars and Mathletics. If your child has lost their log ins, please let me know and I can provide a new one for them. 


I look forward to working with you all throughout the rest of this year and my door is always open if you have any questions about your child or the curriculum in Year 3.


We had so much fun at our Bug Ball!
