'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Miss Kronenburg is looking forward to teaching your child this year. The children in Year 4 are fantastic learners. A positive work ethos makes all the difference to your child's learning, so your support from home is welcomed and encouraged.
Every Friday, homework will be set online through Microsoft Teams. It is important this homework is completed before the following Thursday. Reading is a very important aspect of learning, so we actively encourage the Year 4 children to read every night. Year 4 also have access to Timestable Rockstars. We recommend children play on this daily to ensure they learn all their times tables up to 12x12. Head over to our Year 4 Curriculum page to find out more about what your child will be learning this year.
If your child needs their login details for Microsoft Teams please speak to their class teacher or email k.flanagan@holycrossprimaryschool.co.uk
We look forward to working with you as the year progresses.
Miss Kronenburg.
Home Learning.
Hello Year 4!
I am really missing you all already. I hope that you are all ok and enjoying being at home.
From Monday, we will start using Microsoft Teams for our home learning as well as the other apps that we are used to. Below you can see a suggested timetable to help you structure your week and ensure that you are fitting in plenty of learning.
I will upload new lessons for you to do each day and we will meet for video chats during the week too.
I have also attached some extra information for parents about how to use teams.
Please don't worry- it might take us all a bit of time to get used to it at first!
All of this information as been printed and added to the physical packs too. The office will let you know when these can be collected
See you (online) very soon.
Art home learning ideas and links
Creative activities are great for keeping you happy and calm. Below are some links to art activities that you may enjoy. They are all free and many of them require little or now resources.
FREE downloadable activity packs created by artists for children.
Drawing activities:
Draw along with Pippa and Friends:
Draw a long with children's author and illustrator Rob Biddulph:
Draw along with children's author Nick Sharratt:
Draw your own story:
Why not visit a virtual art gallery?
Digital Art:
Use your imagination to recreate famous artworks at home:
White Rose Flashback 4.
Flashback 4 offers 4 quick maths questions to complete each day.
I have attached the Powerpoint here for you to use at home if you would like an extra maths challenge.
Mathletics, Time Table Rockstars and Purple Mash.
As you know we will have daily maths lessons on Teams but if you want some extra practise, you can also access work set for you on Mathletics. There is also plenty of fun, educational activities to have a go at on Purple Mash and remember to keep working through 'Garage Mode' on TT Rockstars and completing your 'Gigs'.
BBC Learning at home.
Here is the link for BBC Learning at home:
Just select Year 4 and you will be able to browse lots of lesson about all kinds of subjects. There are videos, games and quizzes.
Should you find yourself self-isolating at home, please visit our school closure page for activities you can do to continue your child's learning.
Click the link below:
There was an error processing this link (the page was not found).
Zones of Regulation
Using the Zones of regulation approach the children have been learning about their own emotions. We have been exploring how we feel a range of different emotions throughout the school day and have begun to focus on how the different zones affect our learning.
RE: People.
Our first RE topic this year is called People. We started by looking at our own family trees and have moved on to explore God's people.
Maths Party
For our Maths party we used our measurement skills to make party hats, played place value board games with our friends, enjoyed a few rounds of times table bingo, and laughed while we played musical statues with a mathematical twist!
A doodle a day!
For our lunchtime club, the children get a new drawing challenge each day and have 15 minutes to let their imaginations (and their pencils) run wild. So far we've had techno- dino's, magical tree houses and much more! We are collecting all the drawings to create a book when we are finished.