
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


  • Children's Mental Health Week

    Wed 27 Jan 2021

    The week 1-5 February is Children's Mental Health Week. In school we will be setting some  specific activities to help promote good mental health over the week but you may wish to access some of these sessions at home too.

    Children’s Mental health Week 2021 - Express Yourself Live Stream Sessions for Schools



    Monday 1/02/21

    Tuesday 2/02/21

    Wednesday 3/02/21

    Thursday 4/03/21

    Friday 05/03/21


    Reading festival author session - Dom Conlon KS2, SPACE AND


    Reading festival author session - Karl Nova Yr4-7, WE LOVE


    Reading festival author session - Kathryn Evans Yr8+, IMAGE AND


    Reading festival author session - Karl Nova Yr4-7, WE LOVE


    Gender Expression – It’s ok to be different, YR3-6, led by YPAS







    Gender Expression – It’s ok to be different, Yr 7-11, led by YPAS.





    DailyXpress extra – Looking back/looking forward. With special guest Lalif Wijedoru (Alder Hey A&E consultant) who will be reading his letter to his 10-year-old self. KS2







    DailyXpress session - Mixed Monday (feelings are ok), yr 1-6, RAISE Team


    DailyXpress session - Talk Tuesday (words express), yr 1-6, RAISE Team



    DailyXpress session - What number Wednesday? (how do things make me feel?), yr 1-6, RAISE Team

    DailyXpress session - Tame it Thursday (how feelings make us act), yr1-6, RAISE Team



    DailyXpress session - Fabulous Friday (what makes us feel great), yr 1-6, RAISE Team



    Reading festival author session - Marie Basting yr3/4, IMAGE AND


    Reading festival session author - Dom Conlon KS2, SPACE AND



    Secondary schools’ wellbeing Q&A – Exploring feelings of uncertainty, led by MYA Raise Team & YPAS Wellbeing clinic staff. Yr 7-11







    How does that sound?

    A session for special schools looking at how feelings and how they can be affected by sound. Yr6-11







    Staff wellbeing Session - Team story time for school staff. Led by Lalif Wijedoru & the MHST senior practitioners (this session will be delivered via Zoom)


    Join Zoom Meeting



    Time-out – Session for parent/carers looking at strategies to take care of their own wellbeing during lockdown.




  • Covid Testing

    Thu 21 Jan 2021
    19 Schools Infection Study
    Yet to take part?
    There is still time to register and receive a Home Antibody testing kit.
    Thank you to all pupils, staff and parents who have already contributed
    to this important study.
    Your support will inform po licies to manage the risks of
    transmission in schools and help identify ways to protect students, staff and
    the wider community.
    “Mobilising the power of data to help britain
    make better decisions and improve lives”
    Not yet registered?
    will be sending antibody home test kits to all new participants or participants who
    missed previous rounds due to unavailability e.g. absent from school.
    The latest date
    that you can register for pupils and staff to receive a home Antibody
    testing kit is the 23rd January, you will also then be included in future school testing
    days. Sign on via the unique link:
    • Parents/guardians to select ‘NO’ for student or staff member on drop down boxes,
    complete the first page with parent/gua rdian details and give consent for the first part
    of registration.
    • Confirm the registration by clicking on the validating email which will be sent to
    you (check
    • Login back into the system by entering your email address and password. Click on ‘Child
    Registration Page’ and register your child/children, providing consent as required. Your
    unique school code is: 1 04633
    • After registering your child/children, click on ‘Home’ and complete the enrolment
    survey for each child.
  • Remote Education

    Wed 20 Jan 2021




    Holy Cross Catholic Primary School


    Remote Education Information for Parents


    School leads: H.Bannon, J. Hodges


    Date: 20th January 2021


    Review Date: March 2021


































    Remote education provision: information for parents


    This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.

    For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this page.



    The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home

    A pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.



    What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?



    Class teachers have organised timetable detailing  remote learning opportunities each day from 9am to 3pm. All pupils have access to online support programmes such as Purple Mash, Rising Stars, Spelling Shed which they are already use regularly in school.



    Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?




    Please see below some statements that may be helpful. In this section, please delete all statements that do not apply, and add details if appropriate:

    • We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school.
    • We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example PE we would advise that families ensure appropriate physical activity  during the day or follow Jo Wicks/Yoga Stars









    Remote teaching and study time each day

    How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

    We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:

    Key Stage 1

    3 hours

    Key Stage 2

    4 hours

    Key Stage 3 and 4



    Accessing remote education


    How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?




    All pupils will access their online learning through Microsoft Teams children will be able to ask questions and request support during the day using Teams chat. All tasks will be set as Teams assignments and children  will ‘jhand in’ the work they do and feedback will be given using Teams. 



    If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?



    We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:




    • Pupils identified in Autumn term who require devices to support work at home. List updated again in Spring term
    • Parents collect laptop from school and sign an agreement of use policy
    • Availability of internet at home checked to ensure that pupils could access online learning
    • Resources provided for all pupils from R-Y6 to support online learning, Parent collect from school.







    How will my child be taught remotely?


    We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:




    • School providing full timetable for pupils from 9am- 3pm. Pupils will have access to all subject areas in line with long term planning.
    • Recorded teaching through White Rose Maths, Oak Academy lessons, video/audio recordings made by teachers, class teacher led power points.
    • Remaining time will be covered by accessing commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences such as   Rising stars, Spelling Shed. All access to these is monitored by class teachers

















    Engagement and feedback


    What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?







    How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?





    • Teachers will check on a daily basis that pupils are engaging
    • If not teachers to make contact in first instance, if no improvement to be followed up by senior managers in school. Pupil’s engagement will continue to be monitored





    How will you assess my child’s work and progress?



    Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is as follows:




    • Online feedback through chat- Microsoft teams for work submitted school will follow current marking policy were applicable.























    Additional support for pupils with particular needs


    How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?


    We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:





    • A risk assessment of individual needs will be undertaken and if necessary pupils will be offered a place at school under vulnerable criteria.
    • Remote Education will be delivered to cater to the needs of all pupils and will be appropriately differentiated.
    • School can provide paper-based activities for pupils to complete and can offer daily telephone calls to support families.
    • Any outside agency support that your child requires shall be provided either onsite or remotely for your child to access.




















    Remote education for self-isolating pupils



    Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.



    If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?




    Currently, national lockdown, the offer for pupils in school and at home remains the same. We have ensured individual pupils self-isolating are taught a planned and well sequenced curriculum with meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects, including providing feedback



  • Top Tips for Online Learning

    Fri 15 Jan 2021
    Please find attached some top tips for online learning for children, parents and teachers
  • Updated Covid Risk Assessment

    Thu 14 Jan 2021
    Please visit to view the updated risk assessment
  • Vaccine Fraud

    Thu 14 Jan 2021
    Please find attached a poster relating to the dangers of vaccine fraud. 
  • Sustrans Resources for parents

    Wed 13 Jan 2021

    Sustrans Outside In, a free resource to help parents who are looking after their children at home.


    Sustrans Outside In provides fun ideas and inspiration for parents to bring education, health and wellbeing activities into their home.


    Parents can access resources by registering for our free parent newsletter. Over four weeks, they’ll receive weekly videos, themed activities, games and challenges designed by our experienced school officers.


    Registration Link page 



  • Chris Witty Statement

    Mon 11 Jan 2021

    We have faced several grave moments during our battle against coronavirus. But right now, the country is perhaps facing the most serious yet.

    The new, more transmissible variant of this disease is spreading rapidly across the country and having tragic consequences. On Monday the 4 UK Chief Medical Officers and the NHS Medical Director recommended raising the national alert level to the maximum of level 5 for the first time. This means that without further action there is a material risk of our healthcare services being overwhelmed within 21 days. Since then the situation has deteriorated further.

    Hospitals are always busy in the winter but the NHS in some parts of the country is currently facing the most dangerous situation anyone can remember. If the virus continues on its current trajectory many hospitals will be in real difficulties, and very soon. This means that the time people wait for care will continue to increase to potentially unsafe levels, hospitals won’t have room to take redirected emergency cases in regional networks, staff to patient ratios which are already stretched will become unacceptable even in places likes intensive care. There will be avoidable deaths. NHS staff are doing their absolute best, and working remarkably; we all owe them a huge debt of gratitude, but even they have limits.

    The public have made an extraordinary effort so far. Of course we are all tired of restrictions, but we need to find the collective strength to get through this critical stage and save as many lives as we can. The advice right now is unambiguous: to drive the numbers down, we must stay home except for work, exercise and essential activities. Every unnecessary interaction you have could be the link in a chain of transmission which has a vulnerable person at the end.

    These restrictions will not last forever. Science has delivered new vaccines, drugs and tests, with more on the way, in record time. People will be reunited. Vaccines and new treatments offer us hope and a clear way out. But we are not there yet, and should not act as if we are.

    We still have weeks to go before vaccines will start reducing COVID deaths and, some weeks later, the number of people being hospitalised. We cannot afford to let our justified optimism for the future come at the expense of difficult action today. That means for now staying home and avoiding all unnecessary contacts. By following the rules, we will save lives and help normal life return more swiftly.

  • Letter from City Council

    Mon 11 Jan 2021

    DATE:  10 January 2021


    Dear Parents and Carers,

    The lockdown announced by the Prime minister on the 4 January is not how we wanted to start the new year. Despite this, we hope that you and your family are keeping safe and well. 


    We are in the eye of the storm with this pandemic. We desperately need to drive infection rates down, and to give the time and space to our critical services to deliver the care they need for both Covid and non Covid related conditions, and to allow the rollout of the vaccine at as fast a pace as possible. 


    The single most important action we can all take is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. Only leave the house when absolutely necessary. People need to stick to the rules, and ask themselves just because they can do something, that does not mean they should. Please: be part of the solution, not part of the problem. 


    In the spirit of this, we wish to remind you that your child should stay at home and access remote learning if it is appropriate to do so. This will lower the number of households mixing and reduce transmission of the virus. 


    There is an immediate challenge that the lockdown provides for our Early Years settings, schools and colleges to ensure that your children can access their learning. Many of our settings are currently experiencing challenges to facilitate the delivery of high-quality remote learning alongside safe on-site learning when the workforce is reduced through illness and self-isolating. This situation may require school leaders, as a last resort, to prioritise the return of children based on individual need, and on the safety of the school.


    Vulnerable children and children of health workers will be allocated places before children of other critical workers, and the number of places available is for the head teacher of each school to determine based on a reviewed risk assessment, staffing available and the balance with the requirement to provide high quality remote education daily and welfare checks for those children not in school without overburdening staff. This will be reviewed throughout the lockdown period and may be increased/reduced depending on changes to the local situation, including staffing available, and on public health advice.  Nursery classes in mainstream schools should be considered as part of the whole school and the same principles should apply regarding working out staffing to teach face to face and a risk assessment before offering places. 



    To reduce community transmission, we need to ensure that the number of children and young people accessing the offer of provision in a school or college is kept to the lowest number possible.  Therefore, in line with updated government guidance issued on Friday, even if you are a critical worker, if your child(ren) can remain at home rather than attend school, on some or all days, then they should. Please only use the offer of provision when it is crucial for you to undertake your critical role. 


    Whether or not your child’s education setting is putting in place the rapid testing programme right away, it is very important that we reassure you that all settings will be continuing to regularly review and put in place all the protective measures recommended by Public Health England and the Department for Education to reduce the risk of transmission.  These will include social distancing, hand washing, good ventilation, use of face coverings as appropriate, and ensuring people with symptoms do not attend. These remain the most effective ways to reduce the spread of the virus, even with rapid testing in place. 


    We ask that you continue to show the same patience and compassion to leaders and staff in our settings that you have demonstrated throughout this pandemic. We have learned from the first two waves that if we pull together as a city, with everybody playing their part, we can and will get through this. 


    Stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives. 



    Matt Ashton                            Steve Reddy

    Director of Public Health       Director of Children and Young People’s Services

  • Online Learning

    Thu 07 Jan 2021

    7th January 2021


    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I hope that you are all well and managing in these difficult times. As a school our aim is as always to support the learning of all children. As of next week, the school shall move to online learning for all pupils. Pupils who remain at home will access the same curriculum as those pupils who are accessing a school place as designated by the Government.

    This letter outlines the online learning for each year group during this period of school closure and what help we can offer you and your child.


    For all year groups, students will get a mixture of online lessons and resources delivered through Microsoft Teams and online activities using resources from other websites. Each year group has their own timetable which can be found on the school website on the class pages. For pupils who remain at home there are packs available for each child which also contain a copy of the school timetable in addition to a guide for parents about Microsoft Teams, copies of their various logins and different resources which they may find useful to complete their work.


    These packs can be picked up from school at the following times (Please wear a facemask when entering school site and observe social distancing at all times)


    • Reception, Year 1, Year 2- 9.30-11 am
    • Year 3, 4, 5, 6- 1pm- 2.30pm


    If this time is inconvenient for you, please let us know and we can give you another time when you can collect the pack.


    Children should follow their timetable throughout the day and login to Microsoft Teams where they will be able to access all of the resources for their lessons that day. We are aware that there may be a few settling in difficulties as parents and children get used to using the resources for the online learning. Please use the guidance provided about how to use Microsoft Teams and feel free to get in touch via phone or email to let us know if you need any support with any of the resources. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.


    What are the benefits of using Microsoft Teams?

    Microsoft Teams will allow your child to:

    • Have structured lessons where your child can follow their teacher’s explanations and instruction.
    • Use different resources related to the lessons.
    • Your child will be able to complete work online and send it back to their teacher using the assignments function to upload their work.
    • Your child will be able to communicate with their teacher through the ‘chat’ function if they need to ask for help and support.
    • Your child will be invited to a group meeting with their teacher every week where they can ask any questions they have and voice any concerns or ideas they may want to share.
    • Your child’s teacher will be able to answer any questions or address any concerns through the chat function or during the weekly meeting.
    • If your child is unwell or has missed a lesson for any reason, all of the resources will still be available for them to complete at a later date.



    We recognise that online learning is a little different than what we are normally used to and we want to help in any way we can to make sure your child is accessing their education during this time.


    We look forward to your child accessing these lessons and resources virtually from Monday 11th January.


    Yours sincerely,


    Ms J Hodges

    Deputy Head

