
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 4

Year 4 Curriculum

Welcome to the Year 4 Curriculum page. I am Mrs Shaw, the Year 4 teacher and I hope this page will inform you about our Year 4 curriculum. I am available to answer any questions you may have about any aspect of your child's learning and I will be pleased to provide you with further information if you require it.


We encourage you to read at home with your child whenever you can. The children will take home a Reading Record book where you can log how well your child is doing with their reading at home. Please ensure your child brings their Reading Record and reading book with them each day.

Every day, the children in Year 4 will have a 20 minute Spellings followed by a 30 minute Guided Reading session. For some children, they may attend a phonics session during this time. The children will be taught reading skills through their Guided Reading sessions. The children will work on a variety of reading activities based on their reading book, or a comprehension activity which will help them develop their understanding of the text focus for that week.

On Tuesday, the children have 20 minutes of DEAR time 'Drop everything and read' – where the children can read any book they like for their own enjoyment. During this time, the children will be listened to read and have the opportunity to change their reading books.


In Year 4, the children will complete daily Maths lessons. Teachers in Holy Cross use the White Rose scheme and adapt these lessons to suit their class. The children in Year 4 have been given their Mathletics log in so they are able to complete Maths activities and improve their mental maths skills on Live Mathletics at home as well as in school! The children in Year 4 have also been given their times tables rockstar passwords so they are able to practise their times tables at home and at school. 


In Year 4, the children will have the opportunity to explore a range of class texts. These novels will provide the opportunity to listen to a quality text. During an English lesson, the children will complete activities based on their class novel. These activities could be; an incidental writing activity, a focused grammar activity, independent writing or a shared write/ guided write. 


These are the quality texts Year 4 will read throughout the year:

A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

Stig of Dump by Clive King

Empire's End, A Roman Story by Leila Rasheed

The Matchbox Diary by Paul Fleischman

Running Wild By Michael Mourpurgo

Kaspar Prince of Cats by Michael Morpurgo 


We encourage the children in Year 4 to practise their spelling rules at every opportunity. The pupils are actively encouraged to read whenever possible, to expose themselves to new and more adventurous examples of vocabulary that they will be able to use in their own writing.

Year 4 have a daily spelling session following the Read Write Inc Spelling scheme. Some children have a phonics session during this time. 

Every child in Year 4 has access to Spelling Shed, an excellent programme that enables them to practise spelling a range of different ways.  The children will take home spellings each week. Any opportunity to practise spellings at home with your child would be extremely beneficial to their progress.

Year 4 will also work on 'Orange Words' spellings from the statutory spelling list for Year 3 and 4 throughout the year.

In Year 4, the children will be learning a range of different subjects through Opening Worlds. Opening Worlds is a knowledge-rich humanities programme for teaching history and geography. 



Autumn 1 - The Roman Republic

Autumn 2 - The Roman Empire

Spring 1 - Roman Britain

Spring 2 - Christianity in the Three Empires

Summer 1 - Arabia and Early Islam

Summer 2 - Cordoba - The city of life



Autumn 1 - The Rhine and Mediterranean

Autumn 2 - Population

Spring 1 - Coastal Processes and Landforms

Spring 2 - Tourism

Summer 1 - Earthquakes

Summer 2 - Deserts


Religious Education

Year 4 will cover a range of different topics in RE this year from the Come and See programme, including; People, Called, Gift, Community, Giving & receiving, Self discipline, New life, Building bridges and God's People. The children will also learn about different faiths and the importance of respecting other faiths too.


In Science this year, Year 4 will be covering a range of different topics, including; Sound, States of matter, Electricity, Animals including humans and All living things.


Year 4 will use Purple Mash to learn how to code and create some wonderful animations! We will also learn about hardware, programming, coding, effective searching and online safety! Mr Mills will support the children during our coding sessions. Throughout all Computing sessions, Year 4 will also focus on E-safety. Just as we want to keep our children safe in the real world, we will want to do the same in the virtual world. It is important that parents and teachers understand enough about the internet to keep our children safe from harm but is equally important that we equip our children with the skills they need to keep themselves safe, so that they can experience the internet positively and responsibly.


Our PSHE lessons cover 3 main areas-


-Living in the Wider World

-Health and Well-being


For our RSE lessons, we will be following the programme Journey In Love.

For our RSHE lessons, we will be following the programme Life to the Full.


Throughout the school year the children will be taught about 'British Values', which they will practise this in all subjects across the curriculum. It is an important aspect of their learning, and will include focus on; democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Physical Education

Throughout the school year, in PE the children in Year 4 will take part in; Swimming, Invasion Games, Gymnastics, Athletics, Dance, Striking and Fielding, Net and Well and Outdoor Adventurous Activities. The children will receive lessons by Rugby Tots coaches, LFC coach and The Beth Tweddle Gymnastic company. The children will develop skills; evaluate and improve performances; and learn about the importance of maintaining good health and fitness, through eating healthy and regular exercise.


In Year 4, the children begin the year by creating their own Roman Mosaics. In Spring 1, the children will move onto creating their own Impressionism paintings. In Summer 1, the children will learn about architecture. 


Design Technology

In Design Technology the children in Year 4 will create their own Nightlight and Tea-Towel! They also get the opportunity to explore Food Technology.


Year 4 will be taught Music following a scheme of work called 'Charanga': A new exciting Primary music scheme for the new music curriculum. During the year, the children will learn a range of new songs from different parts of the world. They will also have the opportunity to accompany the songs using different instruments and playing a variety of rhythms. During the second half of the Autumn term, the children will be preparing for their Christmas Carol Service which will be a lovely celebration in addition to the children showcasing their beautiful singing voices and immense musical talents. 

