
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Letter from Steve Reddy regarding rise in covid cases

In recent weeks, we have seen a rapid rise in Covid-19 cases in Liverpool.  Currently Liverpool has 
rates of 158/100,000 and is on an upward trajectory.  The dominant strain of virus in the UK is 
called the Delta variant and we have seen a steep rise in COVID-19 cases locally. Evidence suggests 
the Delta variant spreads more easily than previous strains.

As a result, we are requesting that additional measures are brought into schools to slow down the 
spread of the virus.  These controls may cause some disruption to end of year plans that normally 
take place.  Activities such as transition, assemblies, proms and performances may need to be 
modified and alternative arrangements made.  Educational visits may also be impacted by these 
additional measures.
Schools will communicate with parents directly if any of their plans are impacted.

Face Coverings

On the 21st June 2021, we are requesting staff and pupils in Year 7 and above to wear face 
coverings indoors whilst in school, including in classrooms where social distancing cannot be 
maintained, with the exception of certain lessons such as PE. This is an additional measure to 
support schools to manage the increased risk of school-based transmission due to increasing cases 
and is fully supported by central government.

The purpose of wearing a face covering is to minimise the risk of transmitting the virus to other 
people if you are infectious but don’t have symptoms. We know that up to 30% of people with 
COVID-19 don’t experience symptoms, and everyone who has the virus will be infectious in the two 
days before their symptoms start, so wearing face coverings is one of a range of infection 
prevention and control measures that have been introduced in schools to protect pupils and staff.

Exemptions for wearing face coverings are still in place and further information about exemptions 
can be found here.

Any pupil who has one of the conditions on the exemption list will not be expected to wear a face 
covering whilst in school.  Anyone communicating to someone who relies on lip reading will also be 
exempt from wearing a face covering.

Liverpool City Council I Cunard Building I Water Street I Liverpool I L3 1DS

We also continue to ask that parents and carers to wear face coverings when dropping off and 
picking up children from school.

As always, we thank you for your continued support.

Yours faithfully
att Ashton
rector of Public Health, Liverpool

Steve Reddy
Director of Children’s Services, Liverpool

Liverpool City Council I Cunard Building I Water Street I Liverpool I L3 1DS
