'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
An important change was announced by the Prime Minister yesterday in how we respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. This is based on scientific and public health evidence. As you know, up until now, there was special advice for people returning from specific affected countries like Italy about self-isolation on return home. This has now changed. People who have returned from Italy and other affected countries do not need to stay at home unless they have a cough or fever. If your child does not have these symptoms, they can return to school as normal on Monday. As of today, we are now in the DELAY phase of our national response. This means that anyone with a new continuous cough or a high temperature is asked to stay at home and not leave for 7 days from when the symptoms started. This applies to everyone in the community, regardless of whether they have been abroad or not.
Further advice will be going to all parents about the need to stay at home if you have cough or fever. There is useful information online at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
You can receive the most up to date guidance on the twitter account @covidliverpool