
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


Maths Curriculum Overview and Progression of Skills

Purpose of study

Mathematics is a creative and highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.



The national curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions


Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. The programmes of study are, by necessity, organised into apparently distinct domains, but pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. They should also apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.


The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. However, decisions about when to progress should always be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material should consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on. (The National Curriculum, 2013)


Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing a child’s ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern in both number and space in their everyday lives. Through their growing knowledge and understanding, children learn to appreciate the contribution made by many cultures to the development and application of mathematics.

Mathematics at Holy Cross

At Holy Cross we aim to:

•          promote enjoyment and enthusiasm for learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion;

•          promote confidence and competence with numbers and the number system;

•          develop the ability to solve problems through decision-making and reasoning in a range of contexts;

•          develop a practical understanding of the ways in which information is gathered and presented;

•          explore features of shape and space, and develop measuring skills in a range of contexts;

•          understand the importance of mathematics  in everyday life.

•          help our parents in their knowledge of Numeracy through workshops on Calculation to support the children’s work both in school at home.



A ‘mastery’ approach has been adapted and implemented at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School for the planning, delivery and engagement with mathematics. We use a variety of teaching and learning styles to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in mathematics. During these lessons we encourage children to ask as well as answer mathematical questions and give explanations. They have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources such as; Numicon, Base Ten Diene's equipment, number lines, number squares, number cards and small apparatus to support their work. Wherever possible, we encourage the children to use and apply their learning in everyday situations.

When planning for objective coverage, teachers are expected to take the following mastery strategies into account:

â—Ź Implementing the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) approach to introducing, exploring and applying mathematical concepts

â—Ź Explore a problem in-depth, exploring the most efficient method to approach a Mathemetical problem

â—Ź Applying/using the Bar Model approach as a strategy to approach calculation/problems

â—Ź Considering key questions and mathematical vocabulary at the point of unit planning

â—Ź Multiple opportunities for verbal and written/drawn reasoning (explaining and using mathematical vocabulary to explain methods or reasoning) within unit exploration

â—Ź Inclusion of relevant problem-solving opportunities, where children are expected to draw on and apply multiple concepts to address or approach a challenge

â—Ź Modelling of all skills and approaches

â—Ź Modelling and sharing of efficient and accurate application of methods

â—Ź Opportunities to explore maths concepts/objectives at ‘greater depth’

â—Ź Include all learners, providing relevant support for those with additional needs (educational, medical or otherwise)


In all classes there are children of differing mathematical ability. We recognise this fact and provide suitable learning opportunities for all children by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the child. We achieve this through a range of strategies – in some lessons through differentiated group work and in other lessons by organising the children to work in mixed-ability pairs on open-ended problems or games. We use Learning Support Assistants to support some children and to ensure that work is matched to the needs of individuals. Our Learning Support Assistants at Holy Cross are also trained in the Maths intervention of Precision Teaching - which is a ten-minute quick intervention of recalling basic number facts. 



Learning must be focused on individual pupils’ needs and abilities. Assessment for learning is a powerful tool for making sure that learning fits individual needs. At Holy Cross we use ongoing assessment, gaps analysis tests and child friendly targets to help every child develop to his or her potential, help the school to improve and help parents and the public to understand the progress and performance of the school.  This enables to take greater ownership of their own progress.

In Mathematics children’s progress throughout each year is monitored through Assertive Mentoring and NFER assessments. Teachers track children’s progress each term by making observations, marking work and engaging in assessment activities. The end-of-year assessment will be completed in May (Years 2 and 6 SATs) or June (rest of the school) to provide a snapshot of individual annual progress.

Teachers are expected to audit their subject knowledge of Maths; complete training for understanding and implementing the Bar Model strategy; research application of the CPA approach for the teaching concepts and consistently identify and address (with SLT or peers) areas for development by creating a route to become confident in this particular subject area.


School Curriculum

At Holy Cross, we have created our own Maths long-term plan and  Maths progression document using the National Curriculum. Holy Cross use the National Curriculum as guidance of what to teach. This is supplemented by other schemes and resources, including; White Rose, Classroom Secrets, Singapore Maths - Maths No Problem!, NRICH, guidance from NCETM, also teachers may use other resources, or create their own resources. We believe our teachers at Holy Cross are highly skilled and are able to use a wide range of resources to adapt and meet the needs of the children they are teaching, also fitting in-line with National Curriculum Objectives. This is closely monitored by SLT and the Maths Subject Lead conducting book scrutinies and lesson observations.



The exploration of mathematics at Holy Cross is interactive and engaging, with content made relevant to children’s real-world experiences and contextualised thus supporting consolidation and retainment of knowledge and skill. Children approach mathematical study with confidence and enthusiasm, and view tasks and challenges that call for application of varied knowledge across units of work and the selection of multiple skills with self-assuredly and a willingness to collaborate.

Approach and response to reasoning activities has improved term on term. Children are happy to accurately define and use mathematical vocabulary introduced by their teacher, as well as complete stem sentences to complete mathematical statements or reasoning. 

Parent support

National Curriculum Programs of Study

Key stage 1 – years 1 and 2

The principal focus of mathematics teaching in key stage 1 is to ensure that pupils develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. This should involve working with numerals, words and the 4 operations, including with practical resources [for example, concrete objects and measuring tools].

At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to recognise, describe, draw, compare and sort different shapes and use the related vocabulary. Teaching should also involve using a range of measures to describe and compare different quantities such as length, mass, capacity/volume, time and money.

By the end of year 2, pupils should know the number bonds to 20 and be precise in using and understanding place value. An emphasis on practice at this early stage will aid fluency.

Pupils should read and spell mathematical vocabulary, at a level consistent with their increasing word reading and spelling knowledge at key stage 1.

Year 1 programme of study

Number – number and place value

Pupils should be taught to:

  • count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number
  • count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s
  • given a number, identify 1 more and 1 less
  • identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least
  • read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words

Number – addition and subtraction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (−) and equals (=) signs
  • represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20
  • add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including 0
  • solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = ? − 9

Number – multiplication and division

Pupils should be taught to:

  • solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher

Number – fractions

Pupils should be taught to:

  • recognise, find and name a half as 1 of 2 equal parts of an object, shape or quantity
  • recognise, find and name a quarter as 1 of 4 equal parts of an object, shape or quantity


Pupils should be taught to:

  • compare, describe and solve practical problems for:
    • lengths and heights [for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half]
    • mass/weight [for example, heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than]
    • capacity and volume [for example, full/empty, more than, less than, half, half full, quarter]
    • time [for example, quicker, slower, earlier, later]
  • measure and begin to record the following:
    • lengths and heights
    • mass/weight
    • capacity and volume
    • time (hours, minutes, seconds)
    • recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes
    • sequence events in chronological order using language [for example, before and after, next, first, today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening]
  • recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years
  • tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times

Geometry – properties of shapes

Pupils should be taught to:

  • recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including:
    • 2-D shapes [for example, rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles]
    • 3-D shapes [for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres]

Geometry – position and direction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • describe position, direction and movement, including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns

Year 2 programme of study

Number – number and place value

Pupils should be taught to:

  • count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in 10s from any number, forward and backward
  • recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (10s, 1s)
  • identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, including the number line
  • compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > and = signs
  • read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words
  • use place value and number facts to solve problems

Number – addition and subtraction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • solve problems with addition and subtraction:
    • using concrete objects and pictorial representations, including those involving numbers, quantities and measures
    • applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods
  • recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100
  • add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including:
    • a two-digit number and 1s
    • a two-digit number and 10s
    • 2 two-digit numbers
    • adding 3 one-digit numbers
  • show that addition of 2 numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of 1 number from another cannot
  • recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems

Number – multiplication and division

Pupils should be taught to:

  • recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers
  • calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication (×), division (÷) and equals (=) signs
  • show that multiplication of 2 numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and division of 1 number by another cannot
  • solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, and multiplication and division facts, including problems in contexts

Number – fractions

Pupils should be taught to:

  • recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4and 3/4of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity
  • write simple fractions, for example 1/2of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of 2/4and 1/2


Pupils should be taught to:

  • choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels
  • compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and record the results using >, < and =
  • recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to make a particular value
  • find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money
  • solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, including giving change
  • compare and sequence intervals of time
  • tell and write the time to five minutes, including quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times
  • know the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day

Geometry – properties of shapes

Pupils should be taught to:

  • identify and describe the properties of 2-D shapes, including the number of sides, and line symmetry in a vertical line
  • identify and describe the properties of 3-D shapes, including the number of edges, vertices and faces
  • identify 2-D shapes on the surface of 3-D shapes, [for example, a circle on a cylinder and a triangle on a pyramid]
  • compare and sort common 2-D and 3-D shapes and everyday objects

Geometry – position and direction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in patterns and sequences
  • use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement, including movement in a straight line and distinguishing between rotation as a turn and in terms of right angles for quarter, half and three-quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clockwise)


Pupils should be taught to:

  • interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and tables
  • ask and answer simple questions by counting the number of objects in each category and sorting the categories by quantity
  • ask-and-answer questions about totalling and comparing categorical data

Lower key stage 2 – years 3 and 4

The principal focus of mathematics teaching in lower key stage 2 is to ensure that pupils become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the 4 operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. This should ensure that pupils develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers.

At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to solve a range of problems, including with simple fractions and decimal place value. Teaching should also ensure that pupils draw with increasing accuracy and develop mathematical reasoning so they can analyse shapes and their properties, and confidently describe the relationships between them. It should ensure that they can use measuring instruments with accuracy and make connections between measure and number.

By the end of year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including the 12 multiplication table and show precision and fluency in their work.

Pupils should read and spell mathematical vocabulary correctly and confidently, using their growing word-reading knowledge and their knowledge of spelling.

Year 3 programme of study

Number – number and place value

Pupils should be taught to:

  • count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100; find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
  • recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number (100s, 10s, 1s)
  • compare and order numbers up to 1,000
  • identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
  • read and write numbers up to 1,000 in numerals and in words
  • solve number problems and practical problems involving these ideas

Number – addition and subtraction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • add and subtract numbers mentally, including:
    • a three-digit number and 1s
    • a three-digit number and 10s
    • a three-digit number and 100s
  • add and subtract numbers with up to 3 digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
  • estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers
  • solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction

Number – multiplication and division

Pupils should be taught to:

  • recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables
  • write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division using the multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods
  • solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects

Number – fractions

Pupils should be taught to:

  • count up and down in tenths; recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts and in dividing one-digit numbers or quantities by 10
  • recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators
  • recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators
  • recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators
  • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole [for example, 5/7+ 1/7= 6/7]
  • compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the same denominators
  • solve problems that involve all of the above


Pupils should be taught to:

  • measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml)
  • measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes
  • add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both £ and p in practical contexts
  • tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks
  • estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o’clock, am/pm, morning, afternoon, noon and midnight
  • know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year
  • compare durations of events [for example, to calculate the time taken by particular events or tasks]

Geometry – properties of shapes

Pupils should be taught to:

  • draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes using modelling materials; recognise 3-D shapes in different orientations and describe them
  • recognise angles as a property of shape or a description of a turn
  • identify right angles, recognise that 2 right angles make a half-turn, 3 make three-quarters of a turn and 4 a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle
  • identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines


Pupils should be taught to:

  • interpret and present data using bar charts, pictograms and tables
  • solve one-step and two-step questions [for example ‘How many more?’ and ‘How many fewer?’] using information presented in scaled bar charts and pictograms and tables

Year 4 programme of study

Number – number and place value

Pupils should be taught to:

  • count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1,000
  • find 1,000 more or less than a given number
  • count backwards through 0 to include negative numbers
  • recognise the place value of each digit in a four-digit number (1,000s, 100s, 10s, and 1s)
  • order and compare numbers beyond 1,000
  • identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
  • round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000
  • solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above and with increasingly large positive numbers
  • read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time, the numeral system changed to include the concept of 0 and place value

Number – addition and subtraction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate
  • estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation
  • solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why

Number – multiplication and division

Pupils should be taught to:

  • recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12
  • use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally, including: multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing by 1; multiplying together 3 numbers
  • recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in mental calculations
  • multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout
  • solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two-digit numbers by 1 digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m objects

Number – fractions (including decimals)

Pupils should be taught to:

  • recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions
  • count up and down in hundredths; recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by 100 and dividing tenths by 10
  • solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number
  • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
  • recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundreds
  • recognise and write decimal equivalents to 1/4, 1/2, 3/4
  • find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths
  • round decimals with 1 decimal place to the nearest whole number
  • compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to 2 decimal places
  • solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to 2 decimal places


Pupils should be taught to:

  • convert between different units of measure [for example, kilometre to metre; hour to minute]
  • measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in centimetres and metres
  • find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares
  • estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and pence
  • read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks
  • solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes, minutes to seconds, years to months, weeks to days

Geometry – properties of shapes

Pupils should be taught to:

  • compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles, based on their properties and sizes
  • identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to 2 right angles by size
  • identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes presented in different orientations
  • complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry

Geometry – position and direction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • describe positions on a 2-D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant
  • describe movements between positions as translations of a given unit to the left/right and up/down
  • plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon


Pupils should be taught to:

  • interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods, including bar charts and time graphs
  • solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs

Upper key stage 2 – years 5 and 6

The principal focus of mathematics teaching in upper key stage 2 is to ensure that pupils extend their understanding of the number system and place value to include larger integers. This should develop the connections that pupils make between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio.

At this stage, pupils should develop their ability to solve a wider range of problems, including increasingly complex properties of numbers and arithmetic, and problems demanding efficient written and mental methods of calculation. With this foundation in arithmetic, pupils are introduced to the language of algebra as a means for solving a variety of problems. Teaching in geometry and measures should consolidate and extend knowledge developed in number. Teaching should also ensure that pupils classify shapes with increasingly complex geometric properties and that they learn the vocabulary they need to describe them.

By the end of year 6, pupils should be fluent in written methods for all 4 operations, including long multiplication and division, and in working with fractions, decimals and percentages.

Pupils should read, spell and pronounce mathematical vocabulary correctly.

Year 5 programme of study

Number – number and place value

Pupils should be taught to:

  • read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000 and determine the value of each digit
  • count forwards or backwards in steps of powers of 10 for any given number up to 1,000,000
  • interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers, including through 0
  • round any number up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000
  • solve number problems and practical problems that involve all of the above
  • read Roman numerals to 1,000 (M) and recognise years written in Roman numerals

Number – addition and subtraction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition and subtraction)
  • add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers
  • use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, levels of accuracy
  • solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why

Number – multiplication and division

Pupils should be taught to:

  • identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of 2 numbers
  • know and use the vocabulary of prime numbers, prime factors and composite (non-prime) numbers
  • establish whether a number up to 100 is prime and recall prime numbers up to 19
  • multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one- or two-digit number using a formal written method, including long multiplication for two-digit numbers
  • multiply and divide numbers mentally, drawing upon known facts
  • divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one-digit number using the formal written method of short division and interpret remainders appropriately for the context
  • multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1,000
  • recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers, and the notation for squared (²) and cubed (³)
  • solve problems involving multiplication and division, including using their knowledge of factors and multiples, squares and cubes
  • solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and a combination of these, including understanding the meaning of the equals sign
  • solve problems involving multiplication and division, including scaling by simple fractions and problems involving simple rates

Number – fractions (including decimals and percentages)

Pupils should be taught to:

  • compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same number
  • identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually, including tenths and hundredths
  • recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the other and write mathematical statements > 1 as a mixed number [for example, 2/5+ 4/5= 6/5= 1 1/5]
  • add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, and denominators that are multiples of the same number
  • multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, supported by materials and diagrams
  • read and write decimal numbers as fractions [for example, 0.71 = 71/100]
  • recognise and use thousandths and relate them to tenths, hundredths and decimal equivalents
  • round decimals with 2 decimal places to the nearest whole number and to 1 decimal place
  • read, write, order and compare numbers with up to 3 decimal places
  • solve problems involving number up to 3 decimal places
  • recognise the per cent symbol (%) and understand that per cent relates to ‘number of parts per 100’, and write percentages as a fraction with denominator 100, and as a decimal fraction
  • solve problems which require knowing percentage and decimal equivalents of 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 2/5, 4/5and those fractions with a denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25


Pupils should be taught to:

  • convert between different units of metric measure [for example, kilometre and metre; centimetre and metre; centimetre and millimetre; gram and kilogram; litre and millilitre]
  • understand and use approximate equivalences between metric units and common imperial units such as inches, pounds and pints
  • measure and calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in centimetres and metres
  • calculate and compare the area of rectangles (including squares), including using standard units, square centimetres (cm²) and square metres (m²), and estimate the area of irregular shapes
  • estimate volume [for example, using 1 cm³ blocks to build cuboids (including cubes)] and capacity [for example, using water]
  • solve problems involving converting between units of time
  • use all four operations to solve problems involving measure [for example, length, mass, volume, money] using decimal notation, including scaling

Geometry – properties of shapes

Pupils should be taught to:

  • identify 3-D shapes, including cubes and other cuboids, from 2-D representations
  • know angles are measured in degrees: estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles
  • draw given angles, and measure them in degrees (°)
  • identify:
    • angles at a point and 1 whole turn (total 360°)
    • angles at a point on a straight line and half a turn (total 180°)
    • other multiples of 90°
    • use the properties of rectangles to deduce related facts and find missing lengths and angles
    • distinguish between regular and irregular polygons based on reasoning about equal sides and angles

Geometry – position and direction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or translation, using the appropriate language, and know that the shape has not changed


Pupils should be taught to:

  • solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a line graph
  • complete, read and interpret information in tables, including timetables

Year 6 programme of study

Number – number and place value

Pupils should be taught to:

  • read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10,000,000 and determine the value of each digit
  • round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy
  • use negative numbers in context, and calculate intervals across 0
  • solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above

Number – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Pupils should be taught to:

  • multiply multi-digit numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long multiplication
  • divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole number using the formal written method of long division, and interpret remainders as whole number remainders, fractions, or by rounding, as appropriate for the context
  • divide numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number using the formal written method of short division where appropriate, interpreting remainders according to the context
  • perform mental calculations, including with mixed operations and large numbers
  • identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers
  • use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the 4 operations
  • solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why
  • solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • use estimation to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, an appropriate degree of accuracy

Number – Fractions (including decimals and percentages)

Pupils should be taught to:

  • use common factors to simplify fractions; use common multiples to express fractions in the same denomination
  • compare and order fractions, including fractions >1
  • add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers, using the concept of equivalent fractions
  • multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form [for example, 1/4× 1/2= 1/8]
  • divide proper fractions by whole numbers [for example, 1/3÷ 2 = 1/6]
  • associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction equivalents [for example, 0.375] for a simple fraction [for example, 3/8]
  • identify the value of each digit in numbers given to 3 decimal places and multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000 giving answers up to 3 decimal places
  • multiply one-digit numbers with up to 2 decimal places by whole numbers
  • use written division methods in cases where the answer has up to 2 decimal places
  • solve problems which require answers to be rounded to specified degrees of accuracy
  • recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and percentages, including in different contexts

Ratio and proportion

Pupils should be taught to:

  • solve problems involving the relative sizes of 2 quantities where missing values can be found by using integer multiplication and division facts
  • solve problems involving the calculation of percentages [for example, of measures and such as 15% of 360] and the use of percentages for comparison
  • solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known or can be found
  • solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using knowledge of fractions and multiples


Pupils should be taught to:

  • use simple formulae
  • generate and describe linear number sequences
  • express missing number problems algebraically
  • find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with 2 unknowns
  • enumerate possibilities of combinations of 2 variables


Pupils should be taught to:

  • solve problems involving the calculation and conversion of units of measure, using decimal notation up to 3 decimal places where appropriate
  • use, read, write and convert between standard units, converting measurements of length, mass, volume and time from a smaller unit of measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using decimal notation to up to 3 decimal places
  • convert between miles and kilometres
  • recognise that shapes with the same areas can have different perimeters and vice versa
  • recognise when it is possible to use formulae for area and volume of shapes
  • calculate the area of parallelograms and triangles
  • calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including cubic centimetres (cm³) and cubic metres (m³), and extending to other units [for example, mm³ and km³]

Geometry – properties of shapes

Pupils should be taught to:

  • draw 2-D shapes using given dimensions and angles
  • recognise, describe and build simple 3-D shapes, including making nets
  • compare and classify geometric shapes based on their properties and sizes and find unknown angles in any triangles, quadrilaterals, and regular polygons
  • illustrate and name parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference and know that the diameter is twice the radius
  • recognise angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, or are vertically opposite, and find missing angles

Geometry – position and direction

Pupils should be taught to:

  • describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all 4 quadrants)
  • draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate plane, and reflect them in the axes


Pupils should be taught to:

  • interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs and use these to solve problems
  • calculate and interpret the mean as an average


The children work individually on a laptop and compete against children  across the world in a online mental maths test. The children could also access this at home through their passwords.

In the classroom, the programme allows the children to work independently at their own level/stage supporting their learning with different tasks and activities set by the teacher. Homework can also be set up for children to complete.

Year 3:  Subtracting and crossing ten.


We have been learning how to subtract 1 digit from 3 digit numbers crossing ten. We have been completing challenges and playing games to embed this skill using base ten and place value counters.

Place Value

This term Year 1 have been focussing on place value within 10. It has been a busy few weeks, they are now developing their fluency to recall number facts within 10.

Maths Investigation

Year 3  have been been investigating how many different 3-digit numbers we can make with a given amount of counters.
