
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


Welcome to Holy Cross Reception 


In Reception your children will be taught by Miss Brennan and Mrs Massara. We are looking forward to working together with you for the rest of the year and getting to know your child, their interests and all of the things they can do. Here is where you will find out about all the exciting and enjoyable learning experiences your child will be having in Reception. Please also explore our 'Curriculum Page' to gain an insight into what we are learning this year!


As parents or carers, if there is anything you are concerned about we hope that you will feel comfortable approaching us to discuss such matters. As an Early Years Foundation Stage Team, we want you and your children to feel happy and secure within our setting.


Just a few little reminders, please ensure that your child has a book bag and a PE kit. These can all be purchased from the main office.


PE will be on a Tuesday. It is vital, for health and safety reasons, that all children have the correct PE kit. This consists of a red PE top, navy shorts and indoor pumps. 


Book bags are important for all children, as shortly we will start sending home reading books and activities. Having a book bag ensures that everything is contained in the one place and that all children feel part of our school. 


We look forward to working with you all as the year progresses. 



Miss Brennan and Mrs Massara (TA)


Click on the stars to see our learning journey
