
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 class page!


I am Mrs Hughes, the fortunate teacher of Year 5 and I would like to introduce our class page. In Year 5, we are also very lucky to be supported by Miss Hodges.  Here is where you will find out about the exciting and enjoyable things that we have been getting up to during the year. Please explore our ‘Curriculum Page’ to gain an insight into what we are learning this year!


PE is currently taking place on a Tuesday and Friday whereby the children will take part in swimming and athletics lessons. Please ensure that your child arrives to school in full P.E kit ready for their lessons. It is vital for the children to wear full P.E kit so they can take part in the P.E sessions safely and comfortably..


Reading is a very important aspect of learning and can make a fantastic impact across the different subjects. We actively encourage children to read every night and record what they have read in their Reading Record. The Reading Record is to be signed by an adult at home regularly. It is important that your child has a book bag so they are able to take home their Reading Record and Reading book each day.


In Year 5, homework will be allocated on a Friday and is to be completed  by the following Thursday. The children will also be given weekly spellings to take home to learn. The children are encouraged to come and see myself in the morning if they are unsure on any of their homework and we can go through this together. If you or your child are ever unsure on a piece of homework, please do not hesitate to speak to me.


Your child has been given access to Purple Mash, Mathletics, Timestable Rockstars and Spelling Shed. Please allow your child to access these websites at home to continue their learning at home.


Thank you for your ongoing support, 

Mrs Hughes and Miss Hodges


Art - Frida Kahlo

Cookery - Tasting Asian Foods

Gymnastics British Championships

RE - Easter Play

Attendance Winners - Egg Hunt

Walker Art Gallery Visit

Science - Earth and Space

Art - Giacometti 3D figures
