'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Year 5 Curriculum Page
Welcome to the Year 5 curriculum page. You can find out about all the fun and exciting things that we will be learning throughout this year.
Miss Cresswell and Miss Hodges.
In Year 5, the children will explore a number of whole-class novels. The novels will provide the children with opportunities to enhance their grammar, spelling, punctuation, creativity and independent writing. In addition, each novel is based on a different theme which makes clear links to a variety of subjects. The whole-class novels that have been selected for study in Year 5 are:
Autumn 1- Kick (Mitch Johnson)
Autumn 2 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (J.K. Rowling)
Spring 1 - Wonder (R.J. Palacio)
Spring 2 – Outlaw (Michael Morpurgo)
Summer 1 - Journey to Jo'Burg (Beverly Naidoo)
Summer 2 - Clockwork (Philip Pullman)
We are encouraging children to practise their spelling rules at every opportunity. In Year 5, children will complete daily lessons using the Read Write Inc Spelling programme which enables the children to practise spellings in a range of different ways. The children will take these chosen spellings home each week to practise as much as possible. In addition, the children also have assess to Spelling Shed where they can continue to practise a range of spellings skills and techniques. Children are encouraged to read whenever possible, to expose themselves to new and more adventurous examples of vocabulary that they will be able to use in their own writing.
Guided Reading
The children in Year 5 truly understand the importance of reading and the remarkable impact it can have on their learning. We promote reading in school through our class-novels, guided reading time, foundation subjects and also by exploring the new and exciting books that we have in our class library. The children will take their library books home and reading records each night and are encouraged to both read and be listened to reading regularly.
The children have Whole Class Guided Reading sessions 3 times per week which last for the duration of 30 minutes. During Guided Reading, the children are taught a range of reading skills. Each half term the children will spent time looking at a range of non-fiction, fiction and poetry. The books selected link to the class-novel that is being focused on during that half-term.
In Maths, the children will follow the new White Rose timetable (see below). The children will be exposed to a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving activities during each lesson. The mathematical domains that will be covered over the school year include:
Number and Place Value;
Addition and Subtraction;
Multiplication and Division;
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages;
In addition, the children will also participate in arithmetic tests. This will provide the children will the opportunity to become familiar with test papers and will provide ample opportunity to practise their arithmetic skills. The results will be recorded and monitored and the tests will be taken home for the children to revise from. If the children are finding any of the questions to be too challenging, they are to encouraged to come and see me during the morning and we can work through these together.
Furthermore, the children in Year 5 have been given their Mathletics and Times Tables Rockstars login details where the children are encouraged to complete Maths activities to improve their mental maths skills and fluency of times tables.
Religious Education
In Year 5, the children will cover different topics in RE throughout the year. The children will be following the schools ‘Come and See’ programme. The topics that the children will cover include:
Life choices;
Memorial sacrifice;
Freedom and responsibility;
In addition, the children will also learn about different faiths and understand the importance of respecting other faiths. The children will take an active part in daily collect worships sessions. Within the collective worship sessions, the children will have the opportunity to plan and deliver the session to their peers within the classroom.
Throughout the year, the children in Year 5 will be learning about a range of different scientific topics including: Properties and changes of materials; Animals including humans; Living things and their habitats; Forces and Earth and Space. As well as researching the different areas and learning the correct scientific vocabulary, the children will be taking part in a variety of practical investigations and experiments to extend their learning even further. The children will follow CUSP scheme of work.
The children we be focus on a different topic each half term using the Opening Worlds scheme of work.
Autumn 1 - The Roman Republic
Autumn 2 - The Roman Empire
Spring 1 - Roman Britain
Spring 2 - Christianity in the three Empires
Summer 1 - Arabia and early Islam
Summer 2 - Cordoba - The city of life
The children we be focus on a different topic each half term using the Opening Worlds scheme of work.
Autumn 1 - The Rhine and Mediterranean
Autumn 2 - Population
Spring 1 - Coastal Processes and Landforms
Spring 2 - Tourism
Summer 1 - Earthquakes
Summer 2 - Deserts
Art/Design Technology
In Year 5 this year, the children will be focusing in detail at paintings, combining different fabrics, looking at a range of famous artists, looking at 3D sculptures and participating in a Design Technology project using mechanics. The children will complete art or DT lessons in alternate half terms.
Autumn 1 - Frida Kahlo (painting focus)
Spring 1 - Leonardo Da Vinci (drawing focus)
Summer 1 - Alberto Giacometti (3D focus)
Autumn 2 - Textiles
Spring 2 - Food and Nutrition
Summer 2 - Mechanisms, Pullys and gears
Physical Education
Throughout the school year, in PE the children in Year 5 will take part in; Swimming, Invasion Games, Gymnastics, Athletics, Dance, Striking and Fielding, Net and Wall and Outdoor Adventurous Activities. The children will a receive lessons by Rugby Tots coaches, LFC coach and Beth Tweddle Gymnastics. The children will develop skills; evaluate and improve performances; and learn about the importance of maintaining good health and fitness, through eating healthy and regular exercise.
Year 5 will be taught Music following our scheme of work called ‘Charanga’. During the year, the children will learn a range of new songs from different parts of the world. The children will have the opportunity to accompany the songs using different instruments and playing a variety of rhythms.
Year 5 will also take part in weekly Ukulele lessons with a peripatetic music teacher. This will involve learning how to play the ukulele, learning to read musical notation and singing.
Our PSHE lessons cover 3 main areas-
-Living in the Wider World
-Health and Well-being
For our RSE lessons, we will be following the programme Journey In Love.
For our RSHE lessons, we will be following the programme Life to the Full.