
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 3

Hello everyone and welcome to Year 3’s class page. I am Miss Mc Dermott and I am the very lucky teacher to be teaching year three this year! The children have been working extremely hard and they are settling into their new class very well. The children in Year 3 are very hardworking, dedicated and show a huge passion in their learning. I am very excited to be teaching them this year. Please explore our ‘Curriculum page’ to gain an insight into what we will be learning this year!!


Reading is a very important aspect of learning and we actively encourage the children to read every day in school either one to one with a teacher, independently or with a partner. Please ensure your child brings their reading record and reading book into school every day in their school book bag. We also encourage the children to read every night at home. Please listen to your child read and record what pages they have read in their reading record. It is important that the reading record is signed by an adult each time your child reads.


Every Friday, homework will be given out in their homework journals. This homework must be handed in on Thursday the following week. This homework is to assess your child’s learning and understanding from their week in school.  Your child will also be sent home weekly spellings that they must practice during the week also. If you or your child is ever unsure about a piece of homework, please do not hesitate to come and speak to me. I am always happy to help.

Every Friday, the children will take part in a weekly spelling quiz. Please practise these spellings with your child.


Your child has been given access to Purple Mash, Mathletics, Timestable Rockstars and Spelling Shed. Could you please allow your child to access these websites at home to continue with their learning.


P.E. is currently taking place every Wednesday where the children will be taking part in gymnastics. Please ensure that your child arrives to school in full P.E kit ready for their lessons. It is vital for the children to wear full P.E kit so they can take part in the P.E sessions safely and comfortably.


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Mc Dermott
