
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


Science at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Primary Science Quality Mark-Gilt Award

Principles of Science at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School


At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School we believe that children have a natural curiosity about their world and the enthusiasm to want to make sense of it. Our intent is to provide our children with a broad and balanced science curriculum which enables them to confidently explore and discover what is around them, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world. We give our children the opportunity to develop their Science Capital by having first-hand experiences so that they come face to face with phenomena and learn directly about the ways things are, and why they behave as they do. This is then further developed through the use of secondary sources (books, videos, and visits) to reinforce and broaden their knowledge.


Our children are involved in a wide range of activities that are practical, relevant, co-operative and stimulating. We aim to give children an understanding of the scientific concepts – not just facts, and an understanding of scientific processes. This includes the development of a range of skills which include asking questions, discussing, predicting, planning an investigation, fair testing, methods of recording, how to interpret findings and evaluating them. In addition we aim to foster social awareness and responsibility, self-reliance, independent and reflective thinking. At Holy Cross, we have a coherently planned and sequenced curriculum which has been carefully designed and developed with the need of every child at the centre of what we do. We want to equip our children with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the science National Curriculum but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

The aims of Science are:

- To encourage and develop children’s curiosity and fascination with their world.

- To develop a balance of scientific skills using an investigative, illustrative and focused task approach.

- To develop the attitudes of curiosity, open-mindedness, perseverance, tolerance, co-operation, responsibility, critical awareness and originality.

- To encourage awareness of science and scientific advances outside the classroom.

- To provide science education which will be challenging to all pupils and ensure equality of opportunities.

- To encourage and develop the children's ability to ask and answer their own questions.

- To develop their growth mindset and resilience, enabling pupils to embrace any mistakes.

- To support and develop children’s language development and enable pupils to become effective communicators.


At Holy Cross science topics are taught within each year group in accordance with the National Curriculum. Science lessons are delivered through CUSP. Science lessons are taught weekly to allow the children to continuously develop their knowledge and skills, building upon prior learning to ensure depth in their understanding. Science is based around scientific enquiry. Therefore, our teaching methods maximise the potential for investigative work. At Holy Cross the teachers select the most effective approach for a lesson through teacher demonstration, guided practical tasks and investigations; both ability and mixed ability groups and use of first and second-hand sources. Activities are tailored to pupils’ needs, allowing them to achieve their full potential. Scientific knowledge needs a global perspective and opportunities to consider how science has helped to solve problems in a wide range of contexts. Children are given a Knowledge Organiser at the start of each topic and thinking notes specific to the individual lesson. These provide the children with information, dates and vocabulary. The purpose of these is to support the children with their acquisition of knowledge and are used a reference document. Our science teaching encourages the children to ask questions, try to discover solutions, listen to views of others and be prepared to accept new ideas. To further their understanding children evaluate their own work and work of peers and consider ways of improving it. At Holy Cross children are given the opportunity to carry out work in groups as well as independently. They are encouraged to discuss their ideas with peers.We provide the children with effective use of education visits and visitors to enrich and enhance the pupil's learning experiences.

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum supports children’s understanding of Science through effective planning and teaching of the natural world. Children find out about objects, materials and living things using all of their senses looking at similarities, differences, patterns and change. Both the environment and skilled practitioners foster curiosity and encourage explorative play, children are motivated to ask questions about why things happen and how things work. Our children are encouraged to use their natural environment around them to explore. Children enjoy spending time outdoors exploring and the world around them. 



Our effective approach to the teaching of science will result in an engaging and high quality science education that will provide the children with the foundations and knowledge for understanding the world. Our children will know more, remember more and understand more. Children retain prior-learning and explicitly make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning.


Pupil voice is used to further develop the Science curriculum, through questioning of pupils’ views and attitudes towards Science, to assess the children’s enjoyment of science, and to motivate learners.


Children at Holy Cross Primary School will:

  • demonstrate a love of science work
  • retain knowledge that is pertinent to Science with a real life context.
  • be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge.
  • be able to articulate their understanding of scientific concepts and be able to reason scientifically using rich language linked to science.
  • demonstrate a high love of mathematical skills through their work, organising, recording and interpreting results.
  • work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment.




This half term Year two are continuing their topic of materials. Today we planned a simple test to find out 'Which material is best for blocking a hole in a bucket.' We used plastic, paper, cardboard and fabric. We discovered certain materials absorb water whilst others are waterproof. 

In Science, as part of our learning about Sound, Year 4 created string telephones. We observed how we could hear each other louder using a string telephone than without one. We then spoke about why this was. We learnt that the string and the cups are solid, so the particles are much closer together than the particles in the air, which is a gas. The sound energy can travel from particle to particle far easier in the solid string telephone, so the sound of our voices is louder over the same distance than it was in the air.
