
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'


Welcome to Holy Cross Nursery


In Nursery your child will be taught by Mrs Pinchi. I would like you to visit our class page often to see the many learning experiences your child will be having while in Nursery. You will also find information about our class topics and our curriculum. Please visit our separate curriculum page which has more detail about what your child will be learning this year. We hope your child has a wonderful time at Holy Cross Nursery. 

The children are reading the story book Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been planting beans and watching our beanstalk grow. We have kept a bean diary and recorded the growth each week. 

Jack and the Beanstalk

The children have been reading the story book ‘The Pig in the Pond’ and have been comparing the city to the countryside. The children know that their are lots of fields and farm animals in the country and in the town their are lots of shops, a library and a hospital. The children have learnt that we have milk from cows, wool from sheep and eggs from chickens. They also know that we have lots of useful facilities in a city.

The children enjoyed celebrating Easter, we showed off our Easter bonnets and sang Easter songs. 

🐣 🐰

Easter Bonnets

Today we have enjoyed learning about Ramadan. We decorated our nursery with stars and moons and read all about what happens during this time. We drew around our hands and decorated them with lovely patterns. Thank you to the very kind parents that helped make this such a wonderful experience. 

What's on in March

The children have been learning all about the Luna New Year. We talked about the celebrations that take place within our city and other countries. The children have made decorations and watched the dragon dance. 

Decorating Nursery

We used patterns to decorate a fan

The children have settled back into Nursery after their Christmas break. Our new topic book will be the Naughty Bus by Jan and Jerry Oke. The children will learn all about transport, our city and the people who help us. 

The Naughty Bus by Jan and Jerry Oke

When we came into school we noticed that the Naughty Bus had made a mess in our nursery. We talked about what the Naughty Bus had done. We decided that it wasn't naughty and that the Bus was just excited to play with our toys. We said that maybe the Bus didn't know how to use the toys. We compared our own behaviour to the Bus and decided not to call the Bus naughty anymore. We will help our friends learn how to use toys nicely and how to be helpful and kind to each other. 

Splashing in water

Making a mess in the writing area

What a mess!

Our Naughty Bus Display

We discussed the pictures and the unusual writing in the story book. We then drew the Naughty bus in different locations and had fun with our mark making. 

Our Christmas 🥳

Still image for this video
The children had a lovely time.

We put up our Christmas trees and are learning Christmas songs. Don't forget to join us on Wednesday to help your child make a Christmas card and join in with our festive singing. Pop in any time between 10.30 and 11.00 

The children decorated the home corner for Christmas

The children put up their Christmas tree in the class room.

The children made their own decorations, using different patterns.

Please see the link below for the latest edition of the Liverpool Parenting Newsletter.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen

The children have been enjoying the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. We have been using the new vocabulary and producing some lovely art work.

A big dark forest

Thick oozy mud

A deep cold river

We have been reading the first part of our story We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen. We looked at the illustration of the long wavy grass and then mixed our paints to make different shades of green. 

Long Wavy Grass....Swishy Swashy, Swishy Swashy!


The children's new topic is based around the book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen.' This will give the children the opportunity to learn new vocabulary such as under, over and through. The children will learn about different environments and weather. The book gives the children the chance to join in with the repeated phrases, while acting out the story. 

We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen

The children have settled back into Nursery and this week have enjoyed celebrating both Bonfire Night and Diwali. For Bonfire Night we watched the London fireworks and used brightly coloured paint on black paper to represent fireworks in the night sky.  


For Diwali we drew around our hands and used patterns to create Rangoli designs. 

Rangoli Mark Making


The children have been looking around our Nursery garden for signs of Autumn. We dug up the potatoes that we planted and collected leaves. We looked at the colour, size and shape of the pumpkins, then we counted the conkers. If you get the chance over the half term visit some of our lovely parks and collect leaves. Talk about the shapes and colours of the leaves and maybe make an Autumn pictures. 


Have a great half term and we will see you back on Monday 6th November.  

Our Maths Party

We had a visit from Vauxhall Children's Centre to explain the importance of brushing our teeth. The children learnt that sugar is no good for our teeth and that we should avoid too many sugary drinks and food. 

Cleaning our teeth is important

The children were discussing their holidays and trips to the seaside. We talked about the sand, the sea and some of the creatures that live in the sea. 

Commotion in the Ocean

The children are reading the book Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andreae and David Wojtowycz. They have learnt that crabs walk sideways, an octopus has eight arms and a sword fish has a pointy nose. 

We made a boat


All the children have settled well in nursery and have started to make some lovely friendships.

The children have been reading the book My Nose Your Nose by Melanie Walsh. The children are learning that although our appearances may be different we all have similar likes and dislikes. 

My Nose Your Nose by Melanie Walsh

The children have been looking in the mirror and then painting their faces. We have a round face, a straight nose, different coloured hair, eyes and skin but we all like to play outside with our friends. 

Our Portraits
