'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Next week Year 6 will complete school health questionnaires- please see details below.
Dear Parent or Carer
The School Health Team would like to inform you of the Healthy Child Programme Universal Core Service we are currently commissioned to offer for Year 6 school aged children.
Year 6 Contact includes:
Health & Wellbeing questionnaire will be for pupils to complete about themselves on a range of health & wellbeing topics.
The questionnaire will be confidential and completed electronically. Pupils will access the questionnaire during a session in school.
The questionnaire will be available between set dates for each school and will be accessed via a web link taking you directly to Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust web site, once the questionnaire has been completed it will close and the information will be sent securely to the School Health Team and placed on their record.
If you wish to review the questionnaire, please click on the link below:
Year 6 https://www.merseycare.nhs.uk/our-services/liverpool/school-health-service
The information we gather from the health and wellbeing questionnaire alongside school profiles generated by the Local Authority Public Health Service and input from school will help formulate a school profile, evidencing themes and topics that pupils require further information.
Next step the School Health Team will liaise with school to highlight the themes / topics from the profile and discuss how we can best support school with any health promotion sessions required.
If a young person indicates in their questionnaire, something that would require an individual contact by a member of the School Health Team then this will also be undertaken.
Should you wish to contact you School Health Team at any time, please follow the link above and select ‘Team 1,2 or 3’ to find the schools listed and current contact number. This will get you to the School Health Teams office. Our service hours are 08.30 – 17.00
Kind Regards
School Health Team