'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
17th July 2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. We have missed having our whole school community together and we are very much looking forward to seeing you all in the new academic year.
You have been very understanding of the fact that these have been unprecedented times and extremely difficult circumstances for everyone, pupils, parents/carers, as well as staff themselves.
I wanted to take the opportunity to explain a few practical details which will help to ensure a smooth transition back to school life for your child and how it may look under our new and unique circumstances. Please go through these points with your children to make sure that they know what to expect.
Y6 8.40am Exit Class Fire Exit 3pm
Y5 8.45am Exit leading onto infant playground 3.05pm
Y4 8.50am Exit Foyer door (please do not enter foyer) 3.10pm
Y3 8.55am Exit Class Fire Exit 3.15pm
Y1 9.00 am Exit Fire exit Infant playground 3.20pm
Y2 8.45am Exit Fire exit Infant playground 3.25pm
Reception 9.05 Exit Fire exit Infant playground 3.25pm
Nursery 9.05 Exit Class Fire exit Infant playground 3.25pm
Staff will be available during both morning and afternoon collections to direct you. Please remember to respect social distancing rules with staff. Staff will only be there to direct you to pick up points not to answer any queries. You must contact school by phone or email if you have any queries.
We have followed the new arrangements very successfully so far for the past term as we
re introduced year groups back to school. I cannot praise the parents and carers enough for their full support, understanding and co operation throughout this time. You have all made this so much smoother for your children, as well as staff here at the school.
Again, I would point out that these are very exceptional circumstances which will require flexibility, patience and understanding on the part of both parents and school. As always, I am extremely grateful to you for your continued support and myself and all of the staff of Holy Cross look forward to seeing you again in September.
Yours sincerely,
Ways to stay safe at Holy Cross
Things we are putting in place to stay safe |
Things to consider |
Extra precautions |
Children will be in groups (bubbles) and will not mix with other groups. |
School hours will be 8.40 am-3.30pm this is to enable staggered drop off and collection. (for now there will be no breakfast or after school club). |
From September all pupils must return to school. The government has made it clear that schools must issue fines for non-attendance. |
Children must be dropped off and collected by one parent/carer from different points around the school. Parents must ensure they keep to allocated drop of/collection timeslot.
Children travelling to school wearing gloves and face masks will be asked to remove these prior to entering school. |
Staff will be on site to direct both children and adults.
Remember as adults we must continue to socially distance from one another. |
There will be a daily clean of the school and contact points will be cleaned throughout the school day. Only essential visitors are permitted into the building
Parents and carers will not be able to enter building; pupils will be dropped at school gates and escorted by staff onto grounds.
Contact school via phone: 0151 236 9505
if you need to discuss/inform us of anything.
Children will be regularly reminded how to wash their hands effectively and there will be frequent hand washing. |
Social distancing will be in place where possible but it is not deemed necessary by the DfE if other actions listed are taken. |
Extra Sanitising stations are in classrooms and around the building
Toilets will be assigned to different groups. |
Break and lunch times will be staggered and sections of the playground will be assigned to different groups.
Children will be provided with water on site each day. Lunch will be provided to all pupils School meal £1.80, Packed lunch £1. Anyone eligible for Free Schools Meals will still receive these. |
Do not send packed lunches into school, if your child has very specific food preferences, please contact us and we will accommodate their needs.
All children will have a pack of their own equipment.
Children will not be allowed to bring anything into school nor bring anything home including reading bags/packed lunch boxes |
If a child in your child’s group tests positive, we will follow current Public Health advice. Parents/Carers will be informed |
Homework will be set online, we will ensure that all passwords etc are available to your child from September.