2ND March 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. We have missed having our whole school community together and we are very much looking forward to seeing you all next week.
You have been very understanding of the fact that these have been unprecedented times and extremely difficult circumstances for everyone, pupils, parents/carers, as well as staff themselves. Very little has changed on our risk assessment in line with Government guidance. Could we remind you of following points.
- Children will remain, as much as possible, throughout the day, within their own year group, or ‘bubble’ as they are now referred to. They will be taught within their classes and at lunchtimes and break times, they will remain within their own particular year groups only. Obviously, to restrict interactions, year groups will also have separate playtimes and staggered lunchtimes.
- The children, just as they have been doing from the summer term 2020, will come into school (at their specific drop off time). It is important that you only arrive at set times.
Y6 8.40am Exit Class Fire Exit 3pm
Y5 8.45am Exit leading onto infant playground 3.05pm
Y4 8.50am Exit Foyer door (please do not enter foyer) 3.10pm
Y3 8.55am Exit Class Fire Exit 3.15pm
Y1 8.45 am Exit Fire exit Infant playground 3.05pm
Y2 8.40am Exit Fire exit Infant playground 3.pm
Reception 8.50 Exit Fire exit Infant playground 3.10pm
Nursery 8.55 Exit Class Fire exit Infant playground 3.15pm
Please remember to respect social distancing rules with staff and wider community. We would also ask that members of the wider community respect one another by wearing masks in line with Government guidelines.
- I would also ask that parents avoid gathering at or around the school gates. All teachers will be ready for your children at their new start time. Please try to stick to these times as closely as possible. Please also be patient as we are trying to stagger year groups for pick up/ drop offs and this may take a little longer than usual, particularly at the end of the day.
- For parents who are dropping off more than one child- all of your children will be allowed to come into school with the earliest drop off of the first child as all teachers will be in waiting to receive the children.
- Please do not allow your child to bring anything into school. All children will be provided with a school meal or a school packed lunch. If they have certain food preferences please let us know in advance.
- All children will be required to wear clean clothes each day. We understand that this may be difficult for parents so would ask the following:
- School uniform to be worn on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
- Suitable own clothes on a Tuesday and Thursday.
- Suitable footwear each day as children will be completing physical activities during the day
- The government have been clear that school attendance will be compulsory from 8th March and that fines for non-school attendance will resume again from then. We will be actively following up all absences
- Breakfast Club will be available.
- Visits and visitors to school are obviously restricted and for essential purposes only. If you do have an urgent enquiry, please ring/email the school. You will only be permitted to enter the building when collecting your child if he/she becomes unwell
- Road Safety – Please walk to school where possible to avoid traffic congestion and ensure the safety of children around the school gates.
We have followed these arrangements very successfully since June 2020 as we
re introduced year groups back to school. I cannot praise the parents and carers enough for their full support, understanding and co operation throughout this time. You have all made this so much smoother for your children, as well as staff here at the school.
Again, I would point out that these are very exceptional circumstances which will require flexibility, patience and understanding on the part of both parents and school. As always, I am extremely grateful to you for your continued support and myself and all of the staff of Holy Cross look forward to seeing you all again next week.
Yours sincerely,