'Living, Loving, Learning Together'
Leaving Primary School
(A poem for Holy Cross)
By Nasiha
Primary school is over now with high school coming fast
I have to tell you all this last year has been a blast.
Shortly I’ll be moving on to somewhere fresh and new,
My life will be different when I leave you!
You’ve watched me grow and turn into the person I am,
To read, write and count with ease, and show that I can!
I want you to remember a message from me,
To live your lives and chase your dreams.
You’re all unique and wonderful and sadly will be missed.
So, while you’re here, grab your memories and hold them tight in your fist.
So, goodbye from me and thank you as it’s been so much fun
The memories I’ve made at Holy Cross are like a day out in the sun!
Goodbye! I’ll visit!
Living, Loving, Learning
Holy Cross Family |