
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

'Living, Loving, Learning Together'

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3's class page!


Welcome to the Year 3 Class page. I am Miss Kronenburg, the Year 3 class teacher.   . The children are all settling into Year Three very well and are working extremely hard! I am very excited to be teaching them this year.


Reading is a very important aspect of learning, and we actively encourage the children to read every day in school either one to one with a teacher, independently or with a partner. As you are aware, the children are not able to bring home any reading books at the moment, however, please still encourage reading with your child as often as you can using any suitable material you may have at home. For example, books, comics, leaflets, recipes, online blogs.


Homework will be set every week on a Friday and is to be completed for the following Thursday. The homework is to review what the children have learnt during the week and help to consolidate their learning. The homework will be set online using Mathletics, Purple Mash and Times Table Rock Stars or Rising Stars. The children will be told were to find their homework each week.


I very much look forward to working with you all throughout this year and my door is always open if you have any questions about your child or the curriculum in Year 3.

Maths: Subtracting and crossing ten.


We have been learning how to subtract 1 digit from 3 digit numbers crossing ten. We have been completing challenges and playing games to embed this skill using base ten and place value counters.

United improvements


In year 3 we have been working on improving our editing skills. We work in small groups to edit our writing together. 

River Models


We have been learning all about rivers in Year 3. This week we used dough to make models of a young river. We included details such as the rivers source, load and the spurs that could not be eroded away.

Reading for pleasure


We ordered some new books and they arrived today! We were very excited to start reading them. I snapped these pictures of the children reading them during their free time. 

We are designers!


We were inspired by the fashion designs of Sonia Delaunay and used bold, geometric patterns and a combination of harmonious and complimentary colours to create our own designs. 

Art: painting techniques.

The children have been learning how to create wash using watercolour paints. 

Lego fun!


Even though it's been a rainy week we have enjoyed breaktime. The children have loved playing with the Lego and made some fabulous creations including a model of the River Indus (complete with mountains), an island that has been destroyed by a volcanic eruption and some fantastic houses!

Zero waste cookery.


As part of the zero waste project the children had a cookery workshop. They learnt new skills when preparing vegetables and made a delicious vegetarian curry. 

Maths: ordering 2 and 3-digit numbers on a numberline

The children worked in pairs to explore 2 and 3-digit numbers and order them on a numberline.

English: researching information for a non-chronological report.


The children worked in pairs to write questions about wolves. They then used books and the internet to research the answers. They presented their findings to the class.  Next we will use this information to write non-chronological reports. 

Music: singing


The children have been busy learning to sing Let our Spirits fly. Here is a short clip of them practising.


Still image for this video

Maths investigation


We have been been investigating how many different 3-digit numbers we can make with a given amount of counters.

Art: Colour mixing


We have enjoyed learning to use primary colours to mix secondary colours.

Doodle club!


The children have loved participating in Doodle Club at lunchtime. They have created lots of weird and wonderful drawings and kept them safe in their doodle envelopes.
